Slow Living


Appearances can be deceiving, it is well known. I think a source of this deceiving-ness is that appearances can also be multifaceted, with different angles, each only describing an aspect of the whole.

As an antidote to the modern fast paced life some of us find ourselves immersed in, slow living has emerged as a trend/narrative that seeks to counteract the effects of fast-paced living.

From a modern context, slow living is basically deciding to consciously not be carried away by the pace of modern life, either through living in the countryside with a more peaceful and serene environment or distancing oneself from the hustle and bustle of city life, while still living in the city.

I think the former, living in the countryside, is more ideal and the latter, still in the city, seems a bit more practical.

Of course, it will be quite hard to decide not to sweat when you're in a room with a 40°C temperature. Is it even possible?

With adopting a countryside lifestyle, one effectively exits the room with 40°C temperature, so to speak.

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Countryside Vibes

In contrast to the fast-paced city life, the countryside gives one a chance to slow down and appreciate the simple and little things.

Perhaps, waking up to the sound of birds chirping instead of car horns blaring, and having the time and space to tend to a garden, or to simply sit on a porch and watch the sunrise/sunset.

Such an image evokes peace, quietness, the fresh air, and the slower rhythm of rural life all coming together to create an environment that is more in tune with nature.

What seems interesting to me however, is why am I inside the room with the 40°C temperature in the first place?

Is it like the myth of the frog in boiling water, where at first, the frog was comfortable in the lukewarm water, but when the intensity of fire got increased, it started jumping out of the cauldron because the fire seems unbearable??

Here, I'm reminded of the opportunity costs associated with every decision. Despite my preference for the countryside lifestyle, I've to realize that there's a reason for the intensity of city life, even though it may not be readily apparent to me.

A pre-supposition

It could be that the intensity of city life is a necessary evil for individual growth, in the sense that it offers a diverse range of experiences, skills, and knowledge that can broaden one's perspective and exposure to diverse cultural experiences.

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Making a choice to live in the countryside, one may be giving up opportunities that could enrich their life in other ways. More like a trade-off between the peace and quiet we naturally crave and the stimulation we may need to continue actually grow and evolve.

Sometimes, this makes me wonder whether slow living is a privilege reserved for those who have already achieved a certain level of success, or can it be adapted to fit different lifestyles and goals?

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.


Lol, I would trade the fast pace city life to the slow Pacer country living anytime as long as I can still access my needs


Interesting, I think that could work well for you.

For me, to do it temporarily, I really wouldn't mind lol. Take a break and get out, for awhile.

Thanks for stopping by :)
