Factoring Luck In And Out of the Equation


My friends and I sometimes sit down and talk about luck, especially this aspect of how and when in comes to us.

Usually, what sparks this conversation is when one of us has given their best effort to a particular endeavor and not end up achieving anything successful with it.

I personally experience the same thing occasionally and what I tend to do is shrug it away and tell myself that it wasn't meant to be, learn what can be learnt from it and keep moving forward.

When starting something new, for example a project, especially with those in which we have high hopes of achieving something worthwhile from it, our default mode of view doesn't involve factoring luck into the equation.

And rightly so, since luck is way beyond our control. Sometimes, I do view luck as a whole as a feminine aspect, in that it isn't readily sensible although it is a potent force that can change the course of things in a swift manner.

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If you're like my friends, you'd hope that luck finds you. Perhaps, even pray that luck befalls you, since you've had this tangible experience that your best efforts won't necessarily bring you the successful outcome you desire.

A Nuanced Control

This tangible experience can be very enlightening on how luck plays a key part on the outcome of many of the things we do although it is also something that we find hard to readily accept, because it puts us at a certain disadvantage, i.e we're not in full control.

Pushing the perspective a bit further to the other side, Seneca is often attributed to have said "Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity."

Experience wise, this statement is very true for me, as being prepared and ready for opportunities increases the likelihood of success, and when those opportunities arise, it can seem like "luck".

Essentially, if one factors luck into the equation, then there seems to be this necessity or importance of being proactive and prepared, as if creating a launchpad where luck can land on, so to speak.

Of course, now it looks like we're playing a game of sorts with this phenomenon called luck. But I think this isn't that fundamentally different from hoping or praying for luck. The difference, however, is that it is backed by action.

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Action As A Foundation

In a way, taking action, being proactive and readying ourselves makes us better equipped to handle both fortunate and unfortunate occurrences, provided our expectations aren't overboard.

In fact, it also gives us the ability to persevere through setbacks and bounce back from disappointments, which can also be perceived as "luck".

Ironically, luck can also come through misfortune, as in a blessing in disguise.

Ultimately, acknowledging luck's role shouldn't diminish the importance of hard work and preparation.

To a large degree, we're still the architects of our own path, having this view on luck in mind simply grants us a better perspective of the overall journey.

Thanks for reading!! Share your thoughts below on the comments.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


There's this saying that be thankful to God for not giving you all you asked for, because some of the things we ask for can kill us or cause great harm.

One might want to feel unlucky with success but I see everything in life as a working progress. We just need to always look for the lessons and learn it.


Right. I think seeing everything as a work in progress makes the journey a lot easier as we know that there's always room to get better, to know more and to learn from the whole experience.

Thanks for stopping by :)
