... drops of time... 🥰
Good day dear Friends!
This summer started off very sad for me...
Some events are beyond our control, left to God's will.
And then this song popped into my head...
A walk along the Deliblat Sandstone is always pleasant, and this time it was full of black butterflies that I had not been able to photograph until now. Because they were fast and ran away. This time they were calm and hardly moved from the flowers....
"The best years of my life
shiny and rusty
they just slid like the force of the Danube
under the shadow of the Fortress...
year of lions, wine and poppies..
they passed easily
like an imperial lieutenant
young and conceited, with his sweetheart.
I don't care
it's just drops of time
spilled like a handful of seeds
across the lord's wide field
oh i care
where there are now ancient disturbances
playful white butterflies
star days gifted to her, forever..
Big dates, awaited
numbered with a red circle
they passed quietly like a cotton cloud
above the church tower
the best years of my life
they passed treacherously
I paused a bit
bad society has already dragged them away forever.
I don't care
it's just drops of time
spilled like a handful of seeds
across the lord's wide field
oh i care
where there are now ancient disturbances
playful white butterflies
star time gifted to her, forever.
It couldn't have been better.."
It's hard to translate a song like this, but I hope I've captured the essence.
Thank you so much for visiting my blog ❤️
Have a nice day❤️
My source
Love life, be happy
Decentralized or centralized
Nice view. And lots of insects on the flowers.
Thank you so much @mnurhiver 🌸