Sitting at the balcony of my apartment overlooking the road, watching people scream in excitement and shooting fireworks, I unconsciously delve into that feeling of reflection that is usually assumed in this season.
I smile thinking of how far I have come. How much I have grown in such short time. I believe very much, now, that it takes just a few seconds fir one's life to change totally.

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This time last year, I was home. Living with my parents. The year, 2023, was a rollercoaster. I had my bits of cake and chaos. Started out just slow and without a hint of good things. Slowly, each day rolled into the next. I was in a fix, questioning why things were not working

First off, with no good job, little money in my account and failed attempts at getting anything well in place, it was terrible. Fast forward to a little after midyear, hitting a block with my biggest goal, having to deal with rejection after investing all of me, my time and resource at this, I got drained
Drained becaaue I had given no time for anything else but that one. It hurt.

But there is were I am thankful for family and people who genuinely care for me and share in all I feel. After the bad break, reminding me I got another shot to try again, I decided to put my energy in something else.
And then, without putting too much thought and anticipation, I made this application and viola, it was the beginning of a new story. A new job.

That was a big break. And with that, the when dynamic of my dealings changed. I couldn't have been any happier, working at a tech-job that paid a good enough wage. Not a bad one. It's been bliss this far; being able to send something however little to my parents, being able to assist others with little favours, even as little as being able to gift my sister airtime when she asks. It leaves me feeling full. It's a small start but it's a start.

Other areas of my life have had their own bits of life's problems but I guarantee that the blessings have been more. Even far more than I could ever tell. What I deeply feel the most is gratitude.
Gratitude for having an ever-present supportive family. Gratitude; for having great friends, for being at a good mental, financial, spiritual and all-round state. I'm grateful for all the events of 2023. Grateful to you all on Hive for the opportunity to be part of this group and all of the encouragement. I'm grateful to myself too far all I've done for me(lol).
And importantly, I am grateful to God.


Summarily, I'm ending the year happier. Not where I want to be but on the steps. The new year looks promising. For some of my resolutions, I already have them in motion. I feel no pressure just excitement for what I to come. I particularly feel a sense of clarity which I am loving already.
It's just great to have another shot at anything at all I ever wanted or failed at. Trying out enjoying every moment fully, making great friendships, eating good food and creating unforgettable experiences is what am down for. Glow and growing too. It'll be a fabulous and very productive year.

A canvas of endless possibilities is what I think of 2024.
And, I hope the year turns out so well for you too. I hope we all get to only trade and share amazing testimonies.
Happy New Year, Amazing Humans❤️
Let's have a field day, shall we?

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This is my first post here,and it was a pleasure to.
Images are mine

Thanks for stopping by


No matter how many times you fall, the important thing is to keep going forward with more enthusiasm and the desire to move forward.
Greetings @supernova004


Definitely is.
It's forward ever.
Thanks for stopping by


Awwwwwww, you sure have a way with words.

I totally enjoyed reading this piece.
Well, our story are similar but with a little bit of difference.

I came Into the year with no enthusiasm at all, but by the middle of the year, a lot of things started falling into place.

And I can say that, I have moved from that confused little girl to one who has evolved beautifully well in just few months.


A lot can change in short time. And I am happy you ended the year far better than you started. I'm super excited for you and for your self-discovery. I know this new year would present you with every good thing possible.

I'm glad you enjoyed this piece of mine.
Thank you.
