The Need For A Price Hunt At The Local Market.📉📈
Greetings dear Hivers family 🥰❤️!
Wishing you all a good start to this beautiful day with good health and success my Hive Family.
Today I bring to share with you some special market research findings I took some time to obtain last week during the course of shopping, wanting to find out why prices at the local market is way cheaper than from the Supermarkets, Malls and Street Shops 🏬.. The issue of Monopoly that nobody is questioning 🤨.
Sometimes due to time constrain, Our Jobs and other reasons, it usually is a distance to visit and check other market places, we are forced to come to terms with supermarkets and mall shoppings 🛍.
And this indeed has eaten deep inside us and we still do not complain of the high prices on the items that are displayed on various products at the supermarkets and malls.
And recently, the prices of some consumer goods has tripled within the shortest time frame, which calls for questioning, but because we are all busy, not willing to take out the time and with the lack if price control, we keep patronizing and continued to be ripped off. But it’s becoming increasingly annoying because we can’t stay on our budget anymore, far from it!.
I was forced to go on a price hunt at the local market, creating and making out the time because of how important this is as it drives me crazy to see how lack of price control brings about over priced and reap off.
I sometimes purchase my consumer goods at the supermarkets , especially groceries , and street shops when under an emergency, but observing that the street shop prices are way two high as compared to that of the supermarkets(which is also considered pricey), so I thought 💭 it wise to go price hunting especially on consumable items. And I’m glad i did because the price difference really shocked me.
A carton of Noodles going for 9,200 Naira at the street shop is going for 7,600 Naira at the local market.
A pack of 6 detergent powder going for 1,100 at a supermarket is going for 800 at the local market.
A pack of Semolina Powder going for 1, 500 at the supermarket is being sold for 1,300 at the local market.
Onions , condiments and species are all
amazing considering there prices at
the local market.
These are just a few examples of the price difference research at the local market and my findings. And it was very surprising the kind of price margin we have between each and every item in comparison with the retail outlets which are a direct chain to the final consumers. In conclusion the profit made by street stores and supermarkets is becoming excessive.
The need for a price control body is something the government should be held accountable for. The price control of commodities where every distributor will not have the right to intentionally hike prices of goods/items which basically affects the final consumer.
And because there is no price control, the supermarket, the mall and every street shop are all selling at a different price ranges, reaping off the consumers increasingly and not caring due to lack of law over offenses of this kind which is an indirect robbery through over priced items.
Although there is nothing we can do individually, but we all need to control how we buy from those involved in this act of over priced items, making sure to patronize the other market places where we will definitely get items purchased that is worth our expenditure.
Thanks for reading friends.
All images are mine.