I Must Do All It Takes To Control Every Stress I Encounter



Life can never be fully rossy no matter what we do to keep ourselves free from pressures that leads to stress because every encounter in life comes with one problem or the other. This means that the journey of life revolves around encountering situations of all kinds.


We were not subjected to stress while growing up because we do not take things so serious then but as we enter the adulthood, may be from our high school level, we began to feel some examination pressures, wanting not to fail our subjects then. Then we began to also encounter the stress of reading through the nights, wanting to cover many subject areas where some questions may be thrown to us or surface.

As an adult now, I began to see life as a whole different thing which brings different circumstances that we humans must deal with at every given time either with pressure or a mind set of plans by analyzing the situations to choose the best option. In which either way we choose to solve these problems, we must go through some stress in doing it




When it comes to handling financial problems which most times comes from different directions, it's so overwhelming when the cash flow is not coming as expected, and these problems are there glaring at you, especially those that are marked urgently. I have always believed that family problems should be sorted out fIrst no matter what ever others are but I proved myself wrong a few months ago.

A cousin of mine suddenly became sick with feelings of malaria and constant headache without knowing that it's a sign of cancer. And because of the kind of hospitals we have and those that runs them that calls themselves doctors , she was being treated for typhoid . And as time passes, there was no improvement as regards to all medications. This is when my worries became a sleepless night since am so close to her and constantly the one with her in the hospital. I could not understand why a hospital was not able to diagnose early cancer through every test carried out. It was not until my cousin was moved to another hospital and after several test, she was diagnose with cancer. And this became a big break down for me. The Stress I was encountering became health threatening as my blood pressure went up so high that I have to be admitted. My worries never stopped because cancer is not a child's play. Where do the family members start from? The cost of treatment was overbroad and how will the family raise the money ? I could not believe what was going on but it was a reality. And then we started running around for money to commence treatment, money that will run into millions. And commencing treatment was not able to help her out because after about a month of treatment we lost her. This is the danger of cancer and I was devastated. Praying for her soul everyday am still trying to understand why so suddenly.


Loosing a loved one can be so devastating and takes a long while to recuperate from. I have been waking up everyday to knowing that I can no longer call and talk to my late cousin. And crying as the days goes by can not bring her back. This is the reality life is teaching us. Am holding on to my immediate family for every support I could get. Its so painful that there are some sicknesses money can not cure.

However, we will always move on in life despite what ever stress we encounter because as long as we are alive and thriving, we will continue to encounter stress of various kinds. How to manage our individual encounter should be our concern.

This is my entry participation for the Hive Learners Community contest for week 72, edition 01 and Topic Titled: Stress Factor .



The death of a loved one is really devastating and has great effects on one's health which can cause stress to the system. It's indeed a terrible thing.
I'm very sorry for your loss.
