RE: Are you a baby boomer?


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Stir me up a pity pot. The rules were there, we go through our whole lives living under rules, the first set by our parents. We don't like the rules but there are consequences of ignoring them. You really going to believe this guy was just structuring withdrawals but his accountant failed to tell him the consequences of doing so? His tax consultant? Same with the poor dairy farmers wife did based on the bank telling her something but didn't do her own due diligence to make sure it was correct by running it past their account or tax consultant. Now you want to wipe out the entire baby boom generation who had to live by those same rules. Really dude?

Ask anybody and they'll tell you the tax exemptions those who come here from foreign countries legally get that enable them to have an advantage over their US counterparts. Go ahead and look it up how they also if working less than six month in the US don't have to pay taxes if they return back to their homeland. Which allows Kenny boy to bring his relatives over and switch them out every six months as they return to their homelands tax free. Maybe, just maybe that's part of his structured withdrawals. Who knows but it's hardly the fault of baby boomers WHO CAN'T do the same thing to their advantage.

The same baby boomer generation who witnessed the eroding away of their own livelihoods as their jobs were taken overseas. But yeah let's be worried, really, really worried about Kenny who was given a step up and over his American counterparts to be successful and how it's more likely than not he repaid the government by skirting the rules. You do know the US government has lost 2/3's of their small business tax revenue since 1985, right? Well golly gee, how on earth could that happen? By giving guys like Kenny special tax advantages and he repays them with a slap in the face. Arabs, Indians, Koreans own just about every convivence store, gas station, hotel, motel chains from here to California.

Yeah you got a lot to worry about, especially if you have kids coming up in this next generation because the next batch coming in is to set it up to take everything away from them, good paying jobs, benefits, social security, the whole nine yards that's still left out there in the way of decent jobs. The medical fields, tech fields, oil fields, the food production industry. Believe me it's your generation holding the vast majority of office in this country and they are way more evil than you could even begin to imagine. They are the indoctrinators of the indoctrinated. Yes I have meant them at my front door.


Now you want to wipe out the entire baby boom generation who had to live by those same rules.

Just their mindset that says what they did, nothing mostly, was ok and that the results of their choice to do nothing is not their burden to bear.

Who knows but it's hardly the fault of baby boomers WHO CAN'T do the same thing to their advantage.

Most baby boomers bought into go along to get along, the silent generation did it, too.
My own dad said it to me, just go along to get along.
I then did things that were definitely not going along, because I wasn't going to share in his shame of doing nothing while evil prevails.

It isn't too hard to hoard coins, and this is an effective tactic in the war against the wealthy.
Every dollar of coins in your change jar is one less dollar that the banks have to bomb children and harvest their adrenochrome, but most people can't even be bothered to do something as simple as not spending their coins.

Let them eat the cake they baked, imo.


They had no reason not to go along to get along, it wasn't even heard of. Baby boomers lived one of the most prosperous times during American industry because of the industrialized revolution. You want to talk about your community well back than they were a community. When you can prosper, own a home, a car, send your kids to college, have good benefits and retirements that's not going along to get along, that's the entire community working together, including the employers. It wasn't until way past the baby boomer generation that things started to change so quit trying to lay blame where no blame is due. Man has been warring against each other since the beginning of time and to try and lay blame on that to a generation of people is about as lame as it gets.


I can link books that line out the problem long before the booming years after the war.
That boom just made the scheme go down easier.
The boomers very much went along to get along, I don't see that they could see many options.
The tv had 3 channels of pure propoganda bs, the churches all said go along to get along, the secret societies said the same.

But, just as the guards of the extermination camps are not excused by 'just following orders', so too are the baby boomers on the hook for not doing as we have to do now.
We are gonna have to live through the complete collapse of society.
I can see why the boomers would avoid that, but don't dare say that the knowledge of why it has to happen wasn't available to many of them.
John Birch Society?
They knew debasing the currency was a bad idea, they knew they were voting crooks into office, they know it is wrong to force people to obey their will, but here we are having to throw off the yoke of the oppressor despite all their appeasement.

Honestly, I'm not looking to assign blame, the good people will take it upon themselves once they are aware of how wrong they have been.
I would like to move forward absent the go along to get along mindset, though.
I'm sure most of those people took the clot shot, so it shouldn't be long before their poor choices eliminate them.


You are not going to get past the go along to get along. That's the new agenda. If you try and ignore it instead of fight against it you are in for the shock of your life. Right now, in my opinion, is where we are at with this ME thing, it's highly possible we are at an inflection point. It really all hinges on where Bibi stands with this forced integration global push. Is he a part of it or did he put an arrow through it when the deal fell through for the Arab take over of Israel's largest financial institution.

Meanwhile, you need to pick up a mirror and take a long hard look around because the faces behind this push, where it started, are all with the young globalist leaders of Europe, not the baby boomers. They wouldn't unleash a deadly virus and vaccine to kill them off if they were "good" people thinking they know better than the generation before them. They don't. They are more ruthless than the generation before them because they are global killers of anyone who stands in their way, there's no specific entities they deem more harmful over the other. If you don't comply, you'll be dealt with. You will exercise, eat right, and work till the death, otherwise you'll be deemed a waste to society and dispensed with.


Hmm, maybe you are on to something there.
Klaus and kissinger are silents.
I look forward to the secrets that will come out once henry discorporates.


Man ur speaking simple facts. The pushback is wild 🙃
