Not harmful - [ENG/ESP]




We spent more than 45 minutes talking, I just let him talk and answered what he asked me, I was just going to sign the resignation and bring me a copy, which by the way and coincidentally they did not give me or took a copy when they know it is so, but well, everyone kills each other for their actions. From everything he talked about, besides throwing flowers at me, which is what he likes to do to exalt others, to make them feel bigger so that he can feel on the floor and grow more, but well, they are people who believe that what they do and how they act flows, but it is not like that.

In short, he did not cancel anything. That's why he already has a problem, because even if it is 5 bs he should cancel it because it is what corresponds. Another point, they discounted me items that appear in the laws, I guess, to shield themselves from a lawsuit, but what they do not know is that after a few months they should have included me in the social security and they did not do it, another negative point. And lastly, what they were going to pay me does not represent anything, and I cannot prove to them that my salary was an amount without a receipt, nor can they prove what they were giving me, so it is complicated before the Ministry of Labor.

What will I do, I will turn the page, I will learn from this and I will not do what happened to me, I will agree on written payments with receipt and I will verify the time so that the company where I work registers me in the social security fulfilling the time established in the law. A not harmful decision, I think it can guarantee my peace of mind in the future, avoid problems, even if I have the upper hand in certain aspects of a lawsuit in court. But if they are going to cause me problems in the future, and expenses of money, time and more, it is not worth it to be so young. Learn from your mistakes and keep looking ahead, it is not worth it to wear yourself out for idiotic people, life will act and make the one who acts badly pay.


Estuvimos más de 45 minutos conversando, yo solo dejaba que hablara y le respondía lo que me preguntara, iba solo a firmar la renuncia y a traerme una copia, que por cierto y casualmente no me dieron ni le sacaron una copia cuando ellos saben que es así, pero bueno, cada quien se mata por sus acciones. De todo lo que conversó además de echarme flores, que eso es lo mas que a el le gusta hacer enaltecer a los demás, agrandarlos para que el se sienta por el piso y se crezca más, pero bueno son personas que creen que lo que hacen y cómo actúan fluyen, pero no es así.

En resumen, no me canceló nada. Por eso ya tiene problema, porque así sea 5 bs el debe cancelarlo porque es lo que corresponde. Otro punto, me descontaron artículos que salen en las leyes, supongo que, para escudarse ante una demanda, pero lo que ellos no saben es que después de unos meses debían incluirme en el seguro social y no lo hicieron, otro punto negativo. Y, por último, lo que me iban a pagar no representa nada, igualmente yo no le puedo demostrar a ellos que mi sueldo era una cantidad sin recibo de pago ni ellos tampoco lo que me daban, así que es complicado ante el ministerio del trabajo.

Que haré yo, pasaré la página, aprenderé de esto y no haré lo que me paso, acordaré pagos escrito con recibo y verificaré el tiempo para que la empresa donde trabaje me registre en el seguro social cumpliendo el tiempo establecido en la ley. Una decisión no perjudicial, pienso que me puede garantizar mi paz a futuro, evitar problemas, aunque tenga las de ganar en ciertos aspectos ante una demanda ante tribunales. Pero si me van a causar problemas mas adelante y gastos de dinero, tiempo y más no vale la pena están tan joven. Aprender de los errores y seguir mirando al frente, no vale la pena desgastarse por gente idiota, la vida actuará y hará pagar al que actúa mal.
