LA Modern Noir: Chapter 5d Allison



I wrote this post about a story where I had a first chapter written. I'm trying to push on and finish a first draft in 2024.

If you'd like to be tagged in for future chapters, let me know.




NB Content Warning - partner abuse it is not graphic, or extensive, but neither is it all off-page

Chapter 5d - 2474 words

Earl drove more calmly on the way home, easing the car into gaps instead of surging into them. Allison appreciated the smoother ride, but worried that it may be down to him concentrating hard due to having had a few drinks. He was careful about not drink driving, but if he’d forgotten she wasn’t insured and had a couple before they spoke earlier.

She sat quietly and watched the sky paint reds across the horizon as the sun sank towards the ocean that she wished she could see. When they got to their street there was no parking. Earl circled the block twice and on the third time halted before their apartment block.

‘I’ll let you out,’ Earl said. ‘Have a shower. Put something nice on. C’mon, hurry up before someone’s on my tail.’

Allison got out and as she swung the car door closed Earl was already driving off. Knowing him he’d circle the block until he found a spot he deemed suitable, even though there was a parking lot with free overnight parking just a ten-minute walk away.

She got the keys out her purse and headed in, already thinking about what she’d put on. Making love wasn’t the same as when they first got together. It had stopped being fun and spontaneous about the same time Earl began to view her as something to control and use, a foil for the things he couldn’t control in his life outside.

The hope this new job would swing things back to before times had seemed to be bearing out. Things had been better. But tonight the tenseness had returned, the impatience, the feel that he needed, had to, control her and how she responded. And that carried through to physical intimacy. Tonight, he wanted it. How she felt wasn’t factored into the equation.

The lift was on the first floor and the time saved waiting for it felt like a bonus and once in the apartment she headed straight for the shower, stripping off even as she twisted the faucet on, setting it for cool so the warm LA evening didn’t cause her to sweat through the brief shower.

She was on the alert for the door opening, for Earl to walk in and demand attention, but it didn’t happen. She showered, dried herself, and put on a bra and knicker set he’d bought her, even though the material itched, and the knickers rode up. With Earl still not back she rolled on a set of hold-ups and dabbed his favorite perfume on her neck and wrists.

In just underwear the room was cool. Allison slipped a robe on and went through to the kitchen and put the bottle opener on the surface next to the fridge, ready to pop the top of a beer when Earl did arrive back. She went to the window and peered along the street and caught herself looking for their old car. She adjusted and scanned for the pale blue Mustang but was seeing nothing even as she heard the elevator doors open.

She went to the kitchen, got a beer form the fridge and popped the top. When Earl called, she stepped through into the lounge and said, ‘I’ve got a beer for you. Did you have to park far away?’

‘I’m in the parking lot,’ Earl said. ‘I’ll need to move it in the morning before going for the plane.’

‘If you put me on the insurance, I can go get it and take you to the airport. Save getting an Uber.’
Earl drank his beer, swigging it down without stopping, eyes focused on Allison. He nodded his head sideways. Allison read the unspoken command and undid the belt of her robe and slid it open, holding it wide. Earl finished his beer and held the bottle out for Allison to take. He said, ‘You’re looking okay. Those high waist things help with the tummy, don’t they. I’m going to jump in the shower. Bring me another beer for when I get out.’

Allison reached for the empty bottle. Earl grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him, sliding his hands on to her waist and holding her against him. He sniffed her hair. ‘You smell good.’ He said, then smacked her backside, and said, ‘Go, I want to shower first.’

Sitting on the bed with the shower running, Earl’s beer sitting on the dressing table with condensation forming round it, the feeling that maybe things are okay grew in her stomach. Maybe, earlier, he’d just been tense, nervous for the meeting with Harry and whatever finance issues there was that needed ironed out. And it was understandable he’d been concerned by her chatting with the reporter.

The shower turned off. She slipped her robe off and hung it away. Picking the beer up she perched on the edge of the dressing table and felt a flush of desire rise in her. Earl was fastidious, he’d have finished drying when he came out, but still wrap a towel round himself. He was never a gym rat, so the sculpted torso of modern male film stars wasn’t there, but he wasn’t fat, not even pudgy.

The bathroom door opened, and she stood up, holding the beer bottle casually by the neck between two fingers, and put her shoulders back and straight. Earl had a towel wrapped round him as she’d guessed. His hair was combed, or at least brushed. She could smell his soap; a new one he’d been trying that claimed to smell like old leather and to have woody tones. It wasn’t her favorite, but he liked it, which was the important thing. She hadn’t changed from her (inexpensive brand) since they got together. He didn’t like her using differently scented things.

She held the bottle towards him and asked, ‘Do you feel a bit fresher?’

‘Yes.’ Earl took the bottle and swigged from it, dispatching half the bottle as quickly as he’d emptied the earlier one. He held his empty hand towards Allison and she steps forward. He pulled her into him and tilts his head. She reaches into the kiss and tastes toothpaste and beer. Her pulse quickened as his tongue reaches hers, as he clasped her to him. She reached between them and loosened his towel, letting it slide down his legs. He pulled her closer and she could feel him growing.

He broke the kiss, put a hand on her chest, and pushed her back. He finished his beer, dropped the bottle on the dressing table, and slid his hand into her hair. Allison reached a hand towards him.

‘No,’ Earl said.

He tightened his hand, gripping her hair, taking control of Allison’s head,pulling so tight it felt sent sharp spikes of pain flashing across her skull. Her stomach knotted and saliva flooded her mouth. His other hand flashed towards her face and she shut her eyes. The slap crashed against her cheek and his grip on her hair didn’t allow for any cushioning and the pain which bloomed across her face was as bad as any he’d inflicted.

‘That’s for being a whiny bitch about my driving. And if you want a decent drive, then get a damn job and earn it.’ He slapped her again, this time his palm connected with her ear and a shockwave rippled through her head. He put his hand on her shoulder and, along with the one on still gripping her hair, pushed her down, forcing her to her knees. ‘Do what your good at, and keep your eyes on me.’

Earl woke her just after six. He was headed for the shower, towel in his hand. He said, ‘I’m headed for the shower. Do me some coffee.’

‘Sorry,’ Allison said. The single word felt unnatural in her mouth, like she was trying to speak a language which wanted her muscles to move in different ways yet through the wool of her skull she knew this to be the correct way to form the words.

It took her a few minutes to slide out of bed. Her body ached in places that didn’t feel right, which she couldn’t identify as rightfully sore. Reaching for her robe made her ribs cry out in anguish, but she took it and stood, slipping the robe around her and refusing to look at her own body. It didn’t stop the pain as she headed for the kitchen, didn’t lessen the scream from dozens of places on her legs and arms and torso.

Allison took the coffee from the cupboard and measured a spoonful for the filter. A tremor caused her to spill much of it and she did it again. While the machine was pulling water she wiped the side down, removing the spilled grinds that could add to her wounds if Earl came through now.

Pain radiated from so many places on her body

Suddenly now became a worry because Allison couldn’t hear the shower. Sometimes he dried and dressed before needing a coffee, sometimes he wanted it while still draped in a towel. Fear gripped Allison. She concentrated on the noise from the shower and now she realised her jaw was clenched and the pain was excruciating, like things were out of place. Reflexively she reached a hand up and felt from her ear to her chin. A gentle press inwards caused pain to bloom, and she grabbed the kitchen counter for support. If nothing was broken, then it sure was out of place. She rummaged in the medication draw and pulled out some (meds), and washed three of them down with water.

She took his coffee through to the bedroom and he left while she was in the bathroom, not even muttering a goodbye. Easing back into bed she let the pain, tiredness, and gradually working pills carry her back towards sleep.

It felt like only moments after Earl’s departure that Allison’s slumber was disturbed by knocking on the front door. Finding her robe felt more of a challenge that in it should have been.

Allison looked through the peephole and saw Corrina She unlatched the door and said, ‘Hey, you okay?’ The words were thick in her mouth. A combination of the swelling and the medication.

‘Allison, are you okay? We’re worried. Earl’s gone, you can let me in.’

Instinct told Allison to decry the neighborly concern, but her hands undid the locks and opened the door. Still, she only opened it a fraction. ‘Hi, Corrina’ she said.

‘Allison?’ Corrina asked. ‘You don’t look so great.’

Allison didn’t feel great. She felt like she’d been forced to perform acts of a sexual nature, and then beaten all over her body. She felt like the painkillers had taken effect and failed to do the job she needed. She felt like more sleep was required.

‘Let me make you some coffee,’ Corrina said.

It was a trigger Allison didn’t know would work, but she stepped back and the door opened with her.

Corrina stood in the doorway without moving forward. She looked Allison up and down, her face blanched. She said, ‘Oh, Allison, you look like you should be lying down.’

‘I was, but you knocked so hard I thought it was a package Earl said to expect,’ Allison said. She slumped back against the wall and Corrina took the opportunity to come through.

‘You look like you should be back in bed,’ Corrina said.

‘I think I should,’ Allison replied. She rolled on the wall, turning back towards the bedroom. An arm wrapped around her shoulder, landing on the places where there were no bruises to inflame. In moments she was back in bed, the (blanket) pulled around her shoulders, and the peace of unconsciousness enveloped her.

Allison woke to a feeling of nothing. For whole moments she enjoyed the gentle light of the bedroom and a feeling that there was nothing which demanded her immediate attention. A smell of fresh coffee permeated the room and she steeled herself to be disappointed by the fragrance.

Corrina appeared at the entrance to the room. She said, ‘I made coffee. You only had (type of creamer) in the fridge, and there wasn’t much gone, so I made you a mug.’

‘Thank you,’ Allison said.

Corrina brought the coffee over and Allison took it, gripping it in her hands. One of the few places Earls ministrations hadn’t damaged. ‘I wanted to call the police last night. Maeve stopped me, said it wouldn’t do any good because you’d not press charges and then, when he was released, he’d probably beat you again. So this morning I waited for him to go out and when I figured he wasn’t going to come back, came and knocked your door. It looks like we should call you a doctor.’

‘No, it’s fine,’ Allison said. ‘I took some painkillers, and I’ll rest. It ‘s just some bruises. He’s not bad. He just gets stressed with his work and-’ A flash of pain in the ribs on her right side made her wince.

‘He’s away for a few days, isn’t he?’

Allison nodded, still grimacing from pain.

‘Yes. See, when he’s going to be away for a few days, he always does this. And they’re getting worse. I know this sounds like I’m stalking or something weird but, well, I don’t know if you’re aware how thin the walls are and,’ Corrina pointed at the left-hand wall, ‘that’s my bedroom the other side of that. Well, there’s a closet, but it isn’t enough to insulate the sound of you crying out, or him shouting abuse at you. Look, do you have someone who can come and look after you? I still think you should see a doctor. You might have a broken rib.’

‘I just need to rest. But my friend, Shonda, is coming tomorrow. She’ll make sure I’m okay.’

‘I’m working from home today. What about if I bring my laptop and sit in your front room? Then if you need help today, I’m there, and I can make sure you eat.’

Allison found herself smiling, though the pain prevented her laughing like she wanted to. ‘You sound like my mom’s friend.’ A wave of ease pushed aside the upsurge of panic at someone being in the house if Earl came back. Having friends in and out used to be a natural thing. Now, the last time anyone had been here was the baseball party and out of those only Chuck had been someone she knew.

She put her coffee on the bedside table and said, ‘The wifi password is on the router. Coffee and stuff is in the kitchen. I’ll get a few hours sleep. Thank you.’ She settled into the pillow. The front door opened as Corrina left to get her computer. Tears came in a steady stream.

Chapter End

Link to collated chapters HERE

Link to the short story which is the seed for this is HERE

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words by stuartcturnbull pic by igorelick on Pixabay
