Rising star weekly update and how to get to the top!


We thought we would do a weekly update on what we are up to and how we are doing on Rising Star. It was just announced it is going to be 4 years old next week, these games that tirelessly built through the bear market we think are going to do well this market.

This week it is slow on the news front so we thought we would share how we are doing and what we are up to this week.


Our progress so far - getting to the top

We are currently in position 17th on the leader board and have been trying hard to rise in the ranks. This is the game within them game of Rising Star!


The challenges

What I have found after playing for over 3 years is that there is many different challenges within the game and we take them on sporadically to see how we get on. Some of them are against others and some of them are about your own progress. So lets see what challenges we see in Rising Star!

  1. Leader board rankings - this is about bragging rights, and can be quite competitive. Now there are various ways to try and rise in the ranks but at the moment we are working on Total card count, buying cheap cards. We have a lot of Uniques which is the highest scoring way but uniques are very expensive for us now so we are going card count! However this gets more expensive the more people who are doing it.

  2. Total unique cards - this is one competition some players do, some believe this is the true reflection of who is the top player, If this is how you judge the legend that is @foxon wins!

  3. Crafting - some players take crafting as a mini challenge, trying to craft all the different cards, this was even more hotly contended with the introduction of the seasonal crafting opportunities. This is easy to do as it is just 5 min missions but takes a long time. however you will get lots of uniques if you stick it out!

  4. Total fans - this is a good way to judge yourself as more fans = more SB per mission. Some people solely go on number of fans as how they are doing in the game, not a bad idea at all!

  5. Raves - this is new but winning raves has good rewards in swap hive so is not a bad thing at all! there are a number of teams playing Raves and it is fun playing it as a team!

  6. the new Pro Map - this is going to bring a whole new competition to the game and is going to have singles charts. we are very excited about this. if you don't have any pro cards or only have a few I would suggest now is the time to start blending if you can!

Now I am sure this is not an exclusive list, so let us know what challenges you give yourself in the game!

Favourite card for the week

Every week we will highlight our favourite card for the week. This week it is the 3rd birthday cake. It is amazing that the team are now going on to 4 years so lets celebrate. Currently Jux is asking for ideas for the 4th Birthday card! I wish we had bought more of the previous ones as they do become rare and are good cards so lets see what they all come up with!


The Stick Up Boys tip for the week

This week our tip for newbies is what challenge are you doing? We listed them above so let us know what you are aiming for!

Our NFT records in the game

As musicians one of our favourite things is having our records in the game! You can buy our records as well as stake on them. This is an amazing thing for artists to get more exposure for their music and earn a few starbits. It is also a brilliant way for you to support artists on the blockchain! Here is our record suggestion for this week that you can go and buy now!

Our records are now only available for Legion LGN which is a new Bro token on the market, you can buy it on Hive Engine or delegate to our curator @stickupcurator to earn 15% APR paid to you daily in legion! Our newest record is this disco funk party song, so go get it and get ready for summer!

Start Playing

If you have not started playing Rising Star yet then you should as it is a great game and you can earn some crypto too! Here is the link


I would recommend joining the discord, it is a fun place and great for chatting to others about RS here is the link https://discord.com/invite/dbB6Jc7



the Stick Up Boys

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I enjoy the weekly stats update on a monday with the movers and shakers, cant wait for the promap !PIZZA


This game is very interesting and I see many people's posts, I am also trying to play it after few days and then I will share my experience with you.


Do it, it is easy to play if you sat at computer a lot! If you need advice come to the discord and we will help you
