Rising star a bit of Easter fun with new missions and new cards!


So here is another weekly update on what we are up to and how we are doing on Rising Star and any news! well this is a fast turnaround from love straight into Easter! More crafting and more special cards, although make the most of it as the next big even will not be until Halloween!

So what do we have new? The card you can only find in packs and need it to do the special Easter mission...Mr Fluff, love him! He can of course be blended once you have 10 of him into a special animate mr Fluff


Once you have one of him then you can start doing the mission where you can find the Easter instruments. As you can see you we dont have any yet.


Now along with all the other seasons there is also now a limited time crafting event. these are becoming quite hard work to focus on but they will be coming back every year. Which is good as we did not get all the Christmas and Valentines ones! THis time it is abnother Vehicle, with a good old egg pun...


Our progress so far

We are currently in position 16th on the leader board. You can see we have moved up, the way we have done this is buy buying cheap cards to increase the card count! We now have over 150k cards, which is well, a lot of cards that is for sure and we notice the difference when re-caching our collection.


Favourite card for the week

Every week we will highlight our favourite card for the week. This week it is Cynthia with a classic dad pun from Jux! Works better said in a London accent.....


The Stick Up Boys tip for the week

This week our tip for newbies is that is the main mission you can do the best? Now for example the special missions like the current Easter one you have a 1 in 10 chance I think of finding one of the instruments. These instruments become very rare and people like me will buy them for quite a lot of Starbits from the market. So it might be worth thinking about this as a way to make more Starbits in your game. There are other ways too that do not involve making starbits so it might be worth having a look at your options!

Our NFT records in the game

As musicians one of our favourite things is having our records in the game! You can buy our records as well as stake on them. This is an amazing thing for artists to get more exposure for their music and earn a few starbits. It is also a brilliant way for you to support artists on the blockchain! Here is our record suggestion for this week that you can go and buy now!

Our records are now only available for Legion LGN which is a new Bro token on the market, you can buy it on Hive Engine or delegate to our curator @stickupcurator to earn 15% APR paid to you daily in legion! Our newest record is this disco funk party song, so go get it and get ready for summer!

Start Playing

If you have not started playing Rising Star yet then you should as it is a great game and you can earn some crypto too! Here is the link


I would recommend joining the discord, it is a fun place and great for chatting to others about RS here is the link https://discord.com/invite/dbB6Jc7



the Stick Up Boys

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I have a Mr Fluff and a Little Chicky! I like your strategy of buying cheap cards and moving up. I learn a lot from your updates!


Well it is one way to do it, depending on where you at with Unique cards.... we have alot of them so to get a new card for us in about 800k SB....


Haha! I have many that I don't have yet that I can purchase for 12-1600 SB. 😁
