Follow Friday: Hitting the deck and making waves
The News
The big news in Hive this week is a major upgrade to @ecency. They introduced 'Decks' which are configurable screens of multiple feeds. You can create multiple Decks to suit your needs, so you could check up on several communities at once or see what others are commenting on.
The aspect is 'Waves', which are their version of short-form posts using comments (as with Threads in LeoFinance). The Waves feed on a Deck can including Threads and DBuzz too. For now you can only have the global updates, but I would hope it can evolve to have the option to just see those you follow, as Threads does now. This is the sort of cross-dapp functionality we desperately need.
Decks have a few teething issues, but for a first iteration it is impressive. Be sure to let them know of bugs.
Meanwhile @leofinance also have updates. Their main page has made it harder to find the feed of long-form posts, so I hope that comes back. I have only been using their page for Threads as I am not focused on financial posts. I mainly use @peakd for posting, but may be keeping Ecency open on my PC for the Deck features.
We needed some good news as crypto prices are not great right now.
I do not see a need to panic, but we cannot be complacent. Hive needs to keep growing and keeping people engaged. As well as users it needs good content that will attract eyes.
I saw today that Mastodon has passed 12m users with many thousands joining each day. A lot are refugees from Twitter and Hive should have been catching some of them. We just have not got mindshare. Plenty of us post on other platforms about Hive, but we may be mainly hitting a bubble of fellow Hivers. We need to coordinate our efforts more. Having more people participating in #HiveChat on Twitter could get some tags trending. It is every Tuesday with a different host each week. I have hosted it several times. @finguru did it thjis week.
Friday Follows
- @risingstar released the new Raves sub-game after extensive testing. This was previewed at HiveFest. The game has many options for playing and you can start for free.
- @nicklewis has been busy. He is looking to build a sound library for musicians and audio producers.
- @brianoflondon is looking for support for his proposal to fund development and hosting of his Lightning bridge. He is working on other projects around Hive too.
@hiveup-europe are publicising three meetups around Europe in the next week or so.
Hive Sites
- If you want to check on actual transactions on the Hive blockchain you can use Hive Block Explorer or Hive Blocks. These can be useful to see what transactions your account generates.
- Hive Node Beacon shows the status of the Hive nodes. Some dapps allow you to choose which to use, so you want one that is working optimally.
- Veews is a content discovery service that learns what you like.
- Hive What? provides various functions to explore what is happening around Hive.
The End
We have a long weekend in the UK, so I will be enjoying that. I am thinking ahead to next week when I will do a fresh #BritList. Please let me know of anyone I may have missed out and if you have friends with dormant accounts then give them a nudge to get some activity. It all helps the numbers.
Hive five!
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The man behind: | @tenkminnows: Helping good Hivers level up @proofofbrian: A bot that checks for tag typos #BritList: A monthly list of Hivers in the UK |
I hope that as word of the short form stuff gets more it there we might pull in users for that
One would hope so. We still need some development on that front, but we're getting there.
that's really good, I also try to write good content that everybody would love to read.
It's really a good News and big news 😍 but I think it's be more good if we use wave on ecency app too 😃
I’m excited by waves and decks, have been playing around today and reporting some bugs. One or two I note have been fixed already. So that’s great.
Thanks for the mention too, I am setting aside some time to revise my plans and the recent launch of Logic Pro on the iPad will help me produce the kind of content I have in mind. So lots going on in my head. I need to write it all up and talk about it here. My posts will gradually reveal what I’m up to!
I expect lots of people are testing the new app, so the developers will be busy.
Absolutely! Nothing like a release day!
I love to read or hear good news like the one you just told us now. Thanks for sharing
I haven't opened Ecency in a while. I noticed that condenser has a relatively high SEO juice than some others. When I find a Hive site on Google, Ecency links are often higher up.
I use it on my phone, but that has not added these features yet. It's great to have options.