Post Alcohol haze, Not the finest hour. #HangoverRemorse

Drinking "Alocohol" has been a tred off late. Be it any ocassion, alcohol always makes its place. I have seen people are in drinking habits and each one of them have their own excuses. People may drink alcohol to try to change their mood, or to cope up with stress or to celebrate special occasions, or many other excuses. There is no fault in this, however the situation gets worse when people drink over their limit and behave awkwardly. They even lose their senses. Too much alcohol may temporarily hijacks our decision-making abilities.

(own edited image)

I am not a regular drinker, I ocassionally drink chilled Beer during extreme humid weather to chill. It has low alcohol content, so never had a chance to create any nuissance. I remember an instance when friends or rather colleagues at eork let me to drink soft drinks mixed with vodka.

It was an office party, and I reached late due to some important work. My colleagues were already set with their glasses and offered me a glass of orange drinks. I drink 2-3 glasses , completelly unaware of the facts that it has some vodka content. I still remember, when I stand up to go washroom. I tumbled upon the table, right on the plate of chicken lollipop, spilling everything. The vodka did some immediate trick on empty stomach. My friends took me to washroom, I puked all over. They then took me outside in fresh air. Get me a lemon drink to calm down.

It was one of the first and last case, I ever had with drinking. Since then my friends never offers me any drink. I slowly adapted to beer and it is always refreshing. I know my limits and consume a 500ml can or two, I never ever lose my control on drinking Beer.

Effects of excess drinking

Alcohol drinkers do all sorts of crazy things. Drink driving, unsafe sex with strangers, getting into fights, trouble with the police, you name it. Alcohol can make people say and do things they wouldn't normally do, and can affect their behavior in many ways. Some common behaviors includes ; difficulty in walking or standing, clumsiness, drowsiness, falling over, passing out, spilling drinks, or breaking glasses. It is observed that. Smaller people usually have a higher ratio of alcohol in their blood than heavier people, so they might get intoxicated faster. Drunk people may exhibit a range of behaviors, including:

1. Memory problems: Blackouts, where someone can't recall what they did while drunk, or thinking they've lost something they still possess

2. Social behavior: Making friends with anyone, changing moods rapidly, or screaming "I'm not drunk!" while mascara runs down their face

3. Dangerous actions: Reckless drunks may intentionally cause problems, like drunk driving or diving into a pool from a roof

4. Appearance: Disheveled clothing, flushed face, red or watery eyes, droopy eyelids, and sweating

5. Eye contact: Difficulty making eye contact or focusing.

6. Drinking: Having trouble finding their mouth with a glass.

Alcohol reaction on our body

Alcohol intoxication happens when our body cannot metabolize alcohol as fast as you consume it. Alcohol can affect many systems in our body, including our brain, which can cause us to feel drunk. Brain Alcohol can dull the parts of our brain that control our actions, decision making, and ability to stay in control. It can also affect our mood, making us feel happy, less inhibited, or even down or aggressive. Alcohol can also:

Slow our brain : Alcohol depresses our central nervous system, slowing down our brain's neurons and making it slower to respond to stimuli. This can lead to impaired judgment and coordination.

Other effects : Alcohol can also cause physical symptoms like flushing, sweating, and increased urination. As the concentration of alcohol in your bloodstream increases, you might start to slur your words, have blurred vision, and lose your coordination.

What makes people drunk?

We often noticed that excess drinking leads to drunken state and the person losses all memory. Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol, is the ingredient in drinks like beer, wine, and spirits that makes people drunk. Alcohol is made when yeast ferments sugars in fruits, vegetables, and grains. For example, wine is made from grapes, and vodka is made from potatoes. When we drink alcohol, our liver breaks it down using an enzyme called alcohol dehydrogenase. Alcohol dehydrogenase breaks down alcohol into acetaldehyde, which is then broken down further into acetic acid. Getting drunk occurs when you drink alcohol faster than your liver can break it down. Alcohol affects many systems and organs in the body, including the brain and central nervous system. These effects can cause the sensations that people associate with feeling drunk.

In my opinion, instead of drinking a lot in one night, try drinking an occasional glass. Choose a set amount of drinks to aim for and try to stick to it. People drink to enjoy, then why to spoil the mood and ocassion by going beyond the limit.


Namaste @steemflow

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Regarding your experience, while taking your own drink, didn't you observe any change in the way it tasted?

Honestly, alcohol has little or no benefits considering the disadvantages. I even wonder, knowing the side effects, some people still choose to take it and even in excess.


i think vodka does not have any taste or smell. and when it was mixed with orange soft drink (fanta) sort of drinks, it was like normal soft drinks. there was no change of taste, or i did not noticed any thing fishy


LoL 🤣 that was a little drink 🍻 it shows that you are not a fan of alcohol at all.
Well, I and my friend drank a big bottle of creamy alcohol until we couldn't control ourselves and then started to cause trouble on our way home.

The sweetness of the cream was what made us drink more without realizing we were drunk


i am better by keeping myself away....I have seen many ruckus and accidents. It's better not to get intoxicated unless abd untill u wanted to...there are many otyer ways of fun and enjoyment.


It's definitely harder to recover the next day the older you get!


The first time I tasted a vodka (Smirnoff ice), it tasted like energy drink so i quite understand that when mixed with an orange juice it's kind of difficult to detect if it was actually mixed. But then it seems you are so soft when it comes to alcohol and I like that for you. 😊

Well sorry about the embarrassment it caused you.


that may be the one other instance my boss offered me a glass of whiskey, unable tto say no. I put it on my lips only to find some warm sensation....thanksfully my boss left to other guy , as he was drunk and I kept tye glass aside.....honestly I don't like it much.


Sometimes, pleasure could lead you to do some of the dandiest things. For me, I took alcohol as pleasure and drink occasionally. With time, it became an everyday occurrence and then I became addicted. Thankfully, I overcame it before it pulled me down.
If we consider the cost, alcohol should be far from things we should consider as a lifestyle.


in my case I have experi ced each and everything, but never let anything to get over me....I.e addiction...being only life to live, it is importsnt to get experince of everything.


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