Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. [Career case]

In this rapid changing world, we often try to remain ahead of everyone in the race. In process we might end up doing injustice to other or may end up being a victim of injustice from someone else hand. It just happen and we may experince it later, but many a times it get unavoidable. It is not only concerned with legality factorm There is a broader concept of injustice, and many things were included in it. If we needed to put in simpler words it means :

the practice of being unjust or unfair. Some examples of injustice include discrimination, corruption, and inequality.

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Grounds of injustice

If we drill down more on its simpler meaning, then it means the failure to receive what we deserve in our life because of various reasons.

We often end up experiencing injustice because any of the reason mentioned above.

Discrimination can be in the name of caste, creed, sex, or on other grounds.
Corruption has now been an integral part of our society. We might not get justice, because of the abuse of power and resources for self usage. Whereas the third factor
Inequality, can refer to disparities due to wealth, education or sex based.

The last two has now been an integral part of most of the injustice done in the socity. Every other person have something in their life that they may relate themselves to be grinded at the hands of injustice.

Went through painful career experinces.

I have many experiences in my personal life, where I felt being deprived of my actuals rewards. What I deserved were handed over to others. Especially, when it comes to career. I think, a career has always been a favourite play ground of injustice where many people have experinced the injustice. Here we can see all kind examples. The best I remember was in the begining of my career.
Being my first company, I always thrive to complete all tasks and alwsys open to accept any kind of challenges. I was star performer and received many accolades from the client as well as from the internal management. It surely paved way for my promotion. Being everything in my pocket, I was pretty sure of next step in my career. But again, when it was scheduled to happen, I was deprived of the position and it was handed over to a female staff, on the basis of her tenure. She was a vintage employee than me. What more surprising was she join back to office few months ago, after her maternity leaves and the management promoted her just looking at her tenure or may be giving weitage to a female employee.

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Such male-female inequality is very common in India. It is quite prevalent at many places. And it was my one of the heart breaking worst experinces inmy career. It was not easy to digest and did gave me mental stress. After doing things for thr management and open to all new challenges, I did not get what I was supposed to get and it spoil all my work spirit. It was pure case of inequality or discrimination ground.

I did raised my voice but again management shown their inability and assured me of my promotion in the next term which was after 6 months. But I was shaken completelly and I let loose my job and got the promotion in another company. I feel many corporate have gone through such pain once in their career path. Avoiding such injustice has alwsys been a painful experince.

I think, when we alwsys talk about equality at every places then such injustice is very unfair. But again the "boss is alwsys right", and being at lower level of heirarchy, hardly anyone was ready to listen our voices. There are loopholes and pretty hard to fill them. It all depends upon the people mindset.

This is my Day 23 entry for Inleo Writing Prompt for the m/o March.


Namaste @steemflow

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


They say that a drop of water has all the properties of the ocean, because a single injustice creates a negative energy that spreads.

If people didn't think so much about bad things I assure you that they wouldn't exist. This from a witch haha


Witch has always the secret golden words that are very impactful and mindfull 🤗🤗


The witch is thousands of years old hahahahaha


🤗🤗🤗🤗 The older you get the better the mind is....with thorough experinces.


And as I am over 1000 years old my mind is great!


Greetings friend, when we talk about injustices this is what the world is full of, sometimes I can be a spectator of "X" situation, it is not that we can not help, but that no one supports you, that is when the impotence of not being able to do anything arises.
