Do What Others Dont!


Hello SPIers, today talk about HIVE income on a personal level. The great thing about HIVE is that we can all earn money from it by contributing content, leaving feedback on content, delegating HP, playing games, owning HE tokens and many other things. Today we look into the other things, the other ways to make money from HIVE by adding value to HIVE.


The path of the average HIVE user (from my POV)

We are blessed on HIVE with being able to able earn from it with an entry-level of $0. I would guess most reading this now started on either STEEM or HIVE with $0 and built up their wallets themselves from posting content. After some time when they have built up some HIVE POWER, they earn curation or delegate it to something that pays them some reward token, they either powerup what liquid HIVE they get are use it to buy into something on the blockchain, maybe gaming NFTs or HE tokens or cash it out off-chain.

This is where most people's HIVE income will level off and become more consistent. Nobody earns 100k HIVE from posting content so the user gets stuck in a cycle of pumping out daily posts to collect autovotes while their HIVE income remains the same. Nothing wrong with this but there is a cap to the amount you can earn from content if this is your biggest source of HIVE income. Complete ballpark but I'd guess the average user that posts daily and interacts with comments will earn 20-100 HIVE a week.

If HIVE is a hobby for you, a stable HIVE income through posting about things you enjoy writing about is perfect but if you want to get to the next level without having to invest and buy a large amount of HIVE, you have to up your game and kind of make it happen for yourself. It's 100% possible to earn 100+ HIVE a day but it's not easy otherwise everyone would do it. Many dont want the responsibility or get overwhelmed or are too lazy to go the extra mile. The best thing holding people back is themselves and not believing they can do it.

The Other Ways to Earn HIVE?


Creating content, delegating your HP and getting dividends from HE tokens will do so much for you and if you wanna go next level, you got to do other things. Do what others dont do. If you read these posts from @spinvest, you will already know what im going to say.

Start your own HIVE Project

I have written a few times before about utilizing your time and how operating a simple HIVE token project can be done in under an hour a week. I have shown that @eddie-earner takes me under 2 hours a week to run and maintain and it currently pulls in 900 HIVE a week while paying out only 270 HIVE to EDS token holders which gives them a 24% APY. My time for EDS is mostly converting rewards tokens, recording numbers on Excel sheets, issuing tokens/rewards and producing reports to upload. It can be a little boring from time to time but 900 HIVE income and 600 profit per week is pretty good for 2 hours of work.

Over the past 5 years, if wrote a gameplay book for myself based on my experiences of winning and losing. I cant write a line of code or build huge teams but I know what people want and I can easily create projects built on solid fundamentals with sustainable tokenomics that are ethically fair to each and every investor. It's time to start and pass that knowledge down.


Take the First Step Today!

If you want to level up and make it happen for yourself, drop me a comment below and we can chat on Discord. Im a friendly guy, all I expect is people to do what they say they will do. If you can do this, your level is knowledge is not important to me are to the success of your project because you can learn. Each project can be simple so that anyone can operate one are they can be complex for those with more experience. If you can add value to the HIVE blockchain or to investors, you can succeed.

No idea what sort of token project you could run?

Not a problem, I've created a few HE tokens and have lots of ideas. Im fairly sure after a short chat, we can come up with something. It might not be exactly what you had hoped for, and might even be a little boring but thats the grind. A guy who makes a billion dollars from selling toilet paper probally has little personal interest in toilet paper and just loves the game of building a company. I do not have any particular interest in curation trails but I love operating @eds-vote because it's performing better than expected.

HIVE offers so many ways to monetize and crypto in general is an easy asset class to produce a good yield if your chosen investments are selected carefully. Im fairly certain I can come up with a custom project for anyone. If you can stick to a plan, be consistent, transparent and have the will to keep at it, you can do it.


It's not for everyone, many "burn out" because they dont get the instant success they thought they would. Sadly success compounds and when you start with none it takes a while to get the ball rolling if that makes sense. SPI is out for 5 years and we've still only seen moderate success within HIVE's ecosystem, in 10 years' time im sure we'll have had alot more.

What would be SPI's involvement?

We'd set everything up for you and pay up to 50% of everything required. That would be any tokens that need to be created, miners, distribution bots, report templates, spreadsheets, logos, and everything down to your launch post if required.

SPI can deliver you a HE token project in a box

After you launch, you are your own boss. I can guide you through your first few weeks and provide ongoing support/advice for tokenomics, growth are general operation but as long as you stick within the guidelines of the playbook, you can do what you like as you see fit.



Would would SPI get in return?
We would want a slice of the action but not equity. SPI would be more interested in you keeping full control over your own project and collecting some form of royalty payment instead. This could be a weekly, monthly or yearly payment based on either income, profits or funds under management.


If you want to break through the HIVE content earning potential cap and move up to the next level, hit the comments below.

Getting Rich Slowly from June 2019

Token NameMain AccountLink to hive-engine
SPI token@spinvestSPI
LBI token@lbi-tokenLBI
Top XV token@spinvestXV
Eddie Earners@eddie-earnerEDS
EDS miners@eddie-earnerEDSM
EDS mini miners@eddie-earnerEDSMM
Stay up to date with investments, and fund stats and find out more about SPinvest in our discord server



dang after reading that i want to make my own token 🤣
btw you get 600 hive a week from eds? 😱😱


Do it!!! What are you thinking?

EDS operates under SPI and pretty much all the HIVE EDS makes is used for backing newly minted tokens. Bring in 900, pays 300 as income pool and uses 600 to back new tokens to issue to miners, HP delegators and EDSD holders. Was just using it as an example, with 900 HIVE of incomes and 300 HIVE of outgoings, lots of room for an operator to skim some payment for themselves.


Been thinking about possible projects but haven't really come up with a solid idea yet or it's already done one way or another

Also was thinking about tax implications on some of them, for XV for example, as some funds were/are on Binance won't you be paying tax as an individual there?

Anyway, I'll ponder some more and hope to get some ideas or could have a chat some day on any ideas you got!
