2025 Strategy : The Year SPI Does Nothing and Still Wins


Hello SPIers, It's been a crazy month in crypto and as we come toward the end of the year, we all look forward to 2025 with wide eyes and dreams of finishing next year alot better off.


SPIs plan for 2025

2025 will be a chill year for SPI with no plans to invest in anything new, no plans to launch new tokens and no plans to expand the SPI, EDS or DAB eco-systems. My plan for SPI in 2025 is to wrap up XV tokens and then wait, wait, wait and sell as much as I can. If by the end of 2025, SPI's only assets are HP and USDT, I'll be a very happy man.

Why not HBD? Thats another post I will write when the time is applicable.


So with no plans to do anything other than wrap up XV and sell next year, I plan to spend my time while waiting watching others in the crypto space get wrecked as the FOMO is too strong for most to resist as they go through their 4 year cycle of, being broke for 3 years and saying this cycle will be different and feeling rich for 1 year before, whoops, wrecked again. This might seem like an evil thing to watch for entertainment but the best movies have the most blood😈 Watching someone lose their living savings on a degen trade leaving them on the brink of suicide is kinda funny from an outsider's POV even knowing their life is now ruined. Im going to hell.

SPI has been stacking its bags over the past 12-24 months so we dont need to invest into anything. Im tired and a year off sounds cool, no researching, no shilling, less stress, just wait to collect our money.

2025 will be a selling year for SPI

Stick to your goals!

If you dont have any goals, im telling you right now, your going to get wrecked unless your goal is to simply diamond-hand HODL for the next decade. We are all on HIVE and im guessing most of your HIVE is powered up and locked for 13 weeks. If you dont plan a powerdown and dont like holding liquid HIVE that earns nothing, good luck to you. You could 5x your HIVE holding in 2 years by selling high and buying low but nah, keep it powered up to compound at 10%, right? When you have no goals, no targets and no road to follow, you'll end up exactly where to plan you deserve.... nowhere.

For 2025, I have decided to answer everyone who asks me "Whats a good crypto investment" with a simple, "Buy ALT tokens 2 years ago and HODL"


SPI did all its work for 2025 in 2023 & 24. Using profits from 2021, we bought into 5-6 cryptos, put some money into the SP500 and bought a few hundred thousand HIVE. We launched XV token in 2022 and expanded EDS to include eds-vote and EDSD. Lastly, we released a joint venture with BROfund in the form of DAB, DBOND and most recently RUG tokens. We're set!

The SPI fund on this date 4 years ago was worth $53,000 Year2, WK32 report and today we are worth nearly $190,000k. Last cycle we peaked at $493,000 in November 2021. This time next year, could SPI be a 7 figure fund? (for a month)

I could write about it for hours but I have SPI planned out until 2030, not exact investments but a roadmap in my mind that I think about everyday and have done for the past 6 years. While walking the dog, driving, eating, showering, waiting in line at the shop, in bed, while camping, hiking, all the time. I have maybe even had a few great ideas on the crapper as well. It feels like it works cause SPI is up like 13x to date and my knowledge, experience and discipline are all 10X better than they were when we started SPI. Great stuff. If you can see it and work toward it, you'll get it. It's pretty easy if you're self-motivated to improve.


It's not too late

Its kinda is too late to be honest. BTC is up 2.5x this year and most ALTs have been better. We'll see all-time highs in 2025 but we'll not see BTC 2.5x to $250k or see ALTs 5-10x in 2025. The best gains are probally already gone for top 100 ranked cryptos because remember "Buy ALT tokens 2 years ago and HODL". You can always do damage control, we're lucky that HIVE is a low marketcap token thats takes months to catch up to the rest of the market and I'd guess most of its growth will be in 2025.


Good luck!

As said above, I plan to watch people getting wrecked as the worst scum on the internet once again flood crypto with scam projects, cryptos, NFTS or whatever has a buzzword attached to it, AI shit probally. I'll be watching as others FOMO into bullshit hive-engine tokens and games that are money grabs, degen into cryptos after they already 100x, buy up farm tokens to stake for infinite rewards and pay invest into daily income drips with the promise of earning $30 billion a year by compounding for 180 days.

If HIVE never hits $1 this cycle, forget the above post and consider SPI wrecked.

Have a great day!


Getting Rich Slowly from June 2019

Token NameMain AccountLink to hive-engine
SPI token@spinvestSPI
LBI token@lbi-tokenLBI
Top XV token@spinvestXV
Eddie Earners@eddie-earnerEDS
EDS miners@eddie-earnerEDSM
EDS mini miners@eddie-earnerEDSMM
DAB token@dailydabDAB
DBOND token@dailydabDBOND
RUG token@rugemRUG
Stay up to date with investments, and fund stats and find out more about SPinvest in our discord server



im excited, i think you have us set up for a great year to take profits and then reset and wait for the dump in 2026, and do it all over again, but better.
Something i was thinking about more recently: What is spinvest's tax plan for when we sell and make massive $$$ in capital gains


Ah, great to see you around. If it can all work out like that, we'll have a big fund in 5-6 years time.

As far as tax, that was sorted way back in the day with the partnership agreement. As a "savings club", each investor is responsible for paying their taxes on gains. Nice and simple. It's up to you to report are not report.

When the time comes, I'll be able to help you out with splitting up how you got your SPIs and what the price of the token was during these times. Most you bought, some were airdropped when we moved to HIVE and some were paid as dividends.

We'll not talk about this until your SPI is worth 6 figures 🚀


Having looked into it quickly, I think if SPI can go 7 figure fund we'll set up a shell company and run SPI as a private fund. We can run legally without the need for regulation.


Well that really simplifies things then. That's probably the easiest and most efficient way to do things. But I won't be selling for a while haha gotta let you run your bull cycles because, yes, 6 figures is right around the corner the way i see it. CHEERS BRO ;-)


Buy ALT tokens 2 years ago and HODL

Hehe. An alternative is: stick a regular amount in a separate savings account and start buying in 2026.


That would be a good idea for anyone trying in with crypto this cycle. Start saving now but also for educational purposes, tell them to buy $100 worth of BTC and HODL it until it's worth $50. With their $100 invested, they would see it moon to $150-$200 through 2025 and then crash again during 2026. Seeing is believing and all that. When their BTC drops to $50, thats their signal to buy in.

Who are kidding??, they will save a bunch of money for 6 months and then yolo into an NFT picture of an apple with a hat or some MEME token, haha.


tell them to buy $100 worth of BTC and HODL it.

That's a good idea and a project we could do in Saturday Savers Club.


My plans are to 2030 too, if we aren't burnt to a crisp by then.

So no tokens for 2025? I bet .0005 SPI that you won't be able to resist putting out

an NFT picture of an apple with a hat or some MEME token

and soaking up some of the cash floating around.


Haha, sounds like a decent plan to me!


Now that's an easy strategy to follow.


damn right, wait for time to collect and ride off into the sun
