The Trajectory of the mind to 2050// what could it look like?
It is something great looking at the extent of technological advancement we have achieved already in 2024 as to compared to what the world looked like few years ago, but, it will be more dazzling the one we could achieve by the year 2050, however, it is always the activities of today that predicts how good our tomorrow will be still affirming to the popular saying,
So to say that for us to aim at witnessing such a dazzling 2050 ahead, we've got to make some necessary actions today which will include but not limited to afforestation, reducing human impacts on our ozone layers and tackling the problems associated with climate change; just to mention but a few...
- Machine Replacements:
Guess you have also noticed the popular trend of having labels for cashiers 1-5 in various Banks but just a single cashier or two employed for the job while others are laid off because the POS machine has taken their work, hence, it will be a little bit to even push this to one of the happenings of 2050 because it's already happening now, but then, let's just say there will be more victims in various job sectors.
Machines and robots will be fully blown to replace many from their works rendering a lot jobless.
- Genetic Replacement:
In the health sector, this is indeed one of the areas constantly been worked on with the mindset of creating a perfect, ideal human being and of course, prolonging the lifespan of humans.
Come 2050, I think the scientific steps to the creation of these human beings must have been documented.
It is no doubt that people's thoughts to a great extent are affected by the level of development such a country has.
Take for instance, an average Nigerian is always thinking of the basic needs whereas an average American already has those basic needs provided, hence he or she is thinking possibly of the next thing to do on mother earth to leave his or her legacy behind
So will it be with 2050 with the technological advancements coming then, people will definitely get to worry about other things like such as but not limited to...
The next available machine that could help them in their tasks?
And probably some persons will get to answer the question?
Were you given birth to or were you genetically created?
The mindset of people will also radically shift from seeing themselves as exploiters of Earth's resources to custodians/ rulers of the earth since we won't solely depend on the earth's resources for many things.
It will really be a blessing to witness that moment because One thing I will always be sure of is that humans are great at adapting to the trend, so regardless of whatever way it turns out, I am sure we will survive.
You really can't cover the sun with your palms and so also is the fact that you can't stop technological advancements from happening, what matters is what you do today what will make you indispensable tomorrow or whenever it happens.
That notwithstanding, the 2050 we so much look forward to solely depends on the decisions we make today because it could go both ways depending on our today's decisions.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day 👍
I think the future is so much machine dependent that it's kinda scary. AI is advancing at breakneck speed. There are far more intelligent AIs in the company's safehouses than the one's they've released.
That's for a fact and it's indeed scary and scarier by the day
Let's just hang around and see where all this takes us
I anticipate a lot of robotics and machines in 2050, maybe even time travel too 😁
Hehehe... I won't be time travelling with you though before I lose my way and remain there 😀😀
Lol, why now 😂😂😂😂
I've seen movies of people that lost their way in time travelling
Ok no wonder but you should not fear na. I will tie your hand with rope and pull you out.
One beautiful thing we need to really be grateful for as regards our ozone layer is the fact that it is getting worst gradually and not rapidly, thereby giving our bodies the opportunity to adapt to these changes.
Indeed there will be so much going on then, we just have to learn to change what needs to be change and maintain a balanced mind while at it.
We're very lucky indeed as regards the ozone layer because we would have already melted, lol
Much is really going to happen indeed
Thanks for commenting
It’s my pleasure stopping by 🥰
AI will definitely be part of the great developments in 2050 because right now I believe we are only experiencing the alpha stage of AI.
Recently, like I mentioned in my post, I saw a video where Christiano Rolando made a video spitting Lionel Messi but when I went to the comments, I got to realize that it was the work of an AI and I find that really scary.
There will be more interesting things in the future with the advancement of technology which I also look forward to.
Thanks for sharing
Those technologies can literally do anything at all... It's just basically us praying they always get to the right hands because there will be chaos if they lands on the wrong hands
mostly, we will be greatly dependent on machines for basically everything we do. Its crazy.
Which I don't think we can help, we just adapt
Robots are now replacing manpower.
Though it is rendering people jobless, but I believe in the near future.
People will have to engage on technology advancement, thereby focusing on that.
And employing people with experience.
Yes... Obviously the machines have got to be handled by humans too
So it's just a matter of drift in careers and skills