Balancing the thrills and safety in contact sports
Hi everyone! and happy New week!
Contact sports could be said to include those sports where participants routinely make physical contact with each other as part of the game's normal play.
This contact could range from minor contacts with no serious effects to major contacts that could be life-threatening. It could also be intentional or incidental.
But guess what? Most of the sports that involves such contacts are the most enjoyable sports on earth, hehehe especially football.
While we enjoy these games, the safety of the players are also of utmost importance so they can perform after every game and this is why they have one of the best brains with highly equipped medical facilities in every one of them.
Also, a lot of rules and regulations have been laid down for the players to adhere of which defauktiny attracts penalties either by suspension, expulsion or caution depending on the gravity of the foul committed.
As a football lover; not just a fan but also an active player. I have been exposed to a lot of injuries playing football to the extent that my mum will try her possible best to restrict me from playing atimes but for the love of the game, I will always find my way back.
On one of the occasions in 2021, I went out perfectly fine to play ball and then came back in the midst of two men who supported me; I was brought home because I sustained a dislocation in the game.
My mum shouted at the top of her voices while I sat there, calm, looking like a cat caught stealing fish😂
Yet, once I recovered, I was right back on the field for another match.
The love for the game keeps pulling us back regardless the injury we sustained, however, I believe it should be more regulated to make it a safer game to engage in.
Progress is being made honestly because more development keeps getting into play just to ensure the safety of players and also to make sure defaulters get their due punishment...
One of those development is the VAR (Video Assistant Referee) system which comprises of officiating teams reviewing live match footages and could call back the centre Referee should he miss out on anything significant. This also helps make the game "fair" in general.
Another one is the rule mandating stop of all plays for any suspected concussion injuries; this helps the players affected get immediate medical attention.
By stopping every play, it sends message to the players that regardless of whatever award is placed for the tournament, the health of the players is still paramount.
Boxing on its own is a contact sports I think should be scrapped. Although I've heard the "that it is acted/scripted" saying but then I think it exposes the players to a while lot of health hazards.
The constant hits on the head, the constant falls and the constant smackdowns per say all could cause things that includes but not limited to; concussions, head fractures, head traumas that could even trigger seizure episodes.
A lot has been done, however there's no limit to how far we can go, hence we can still do more and more just to ensure the continuity of these wonderful sports.
Advanced technologies for protective gears should also continue to be made available and all mandated to make use of it to limit these exposures. Ultimately, the aim should not be to remove risks entirely since the game itself is risk defined, I think we should gear more towards managing them wisely.
Contact sports gives the thrills they give from the physical contacts, however, they're all games of emotions and players could once in a while get overboard with their actions hence the need for the rules and regulations to be made and strictly executed.
By so doing, it'll help reduce to the barest minimum the dangers players are exposed to.
Thanks for reading and have a nice day
I agree with your opinion.
Strict adherence to the rules should be enforced, and whoever disregards them should be punished.
That's very true