Sapien Loop 2025: Quiz 3


Hi Everyone,


Welcome to the third Sapien Loop quiz for 2025. This quiz will follow the same format as the previous two quizzes for this year. The quiz will include eight questions from four chapters of Sapien Loop: End of an Era and one question from Sapien Loop: Frozen in Time. Next month, I plan to change things around a little. I will reveal more in that quiz.

Where to Read the Books

My books are titled Sapien Loop: End of an Era and Sapien Loop: Frozen in Time. Both books are now available on Amazon. Links are provided in the signature of this post. Individual chapters are also available on my @captainhive account, as well as collections on this account. See below:

Sapien Loop: End of an Era

Sapien Loop: Frozen in Time

I hope everyone enjoys reading the books.

How to Play


These quizzes are simple and easy to play. Participants are required to answer multiple-choice questions. Participants choose from five possible answers. The answers can be found in the stated book chapters. Most questions are simple and direct. Some questions will be a little more challenging. They may require participants to interpret characters intentions and emotions.

How to Win


The winner is the participant who answers the most questions correctly. If there is a tie, the participant who entered first wins. To win, a participant must also answer more than half of the questions correctly. For example, if there are nine questions, the participant needs to answer at least five of them correctly to have a chance of winning.



The winner of this contest will receive 30 Hive Power. If this contest has no winner, the Hive Power will be rolled over to next month’s contest. The first twelve entries will receive an upvote.

Let the Contest Begin!


For Quiz 3, there will be 9 questions. These questions come from Chapters 11, 22, 41, and 51 from Sapien Loop: End of an Era and Chapter 2 from Sapien Loop: Frozen in Time.

1. Where was Demarcus heading on the train?

a) To visit his brother in Jeed
b) To the university
c) To the old mountain pass
d) To a job interview
e) To the water theme park located in Lake

2. What was the punishment decided for the Inquisitives who were not directly involved in the kidnapping?

a) Had two fingers removed from their left hands
b) Banned from meeting ever again and fitted with bracelets
c) Life in prison
d) Three months in a rehabilitation centre
e) Not punished

3. How did the audience react to Orcille's demonstration?

a) Panic
b) Applause
c) Angry jeering
d) Laughter
e) Silence

4. What was the fate of Victor?

a) He was shot dead by Arville.
b) He escaped.
c) He was arrested.
d) He was rehabilitated.
e) His fate was not mentioned.

5. What did Pardi ask the technician to do to Joselin?

a) Wake her up.
b) Give her medication.
c) Give her a powerful electric shock.
d) Inject her with a sedative.
e) Cut off her foot.

6. What did Orcille claim the House of Divine Knowledge really was?

a) House of Divine Fools
b) House of Love and Devotion
c) House of Repugnant Lies
d) House of Fear and Dismay
e) House of Truth and Justice

7. What did Arville do to fake scars on his back?

a) Had them tattooed on
b) Had Surgery
c) Used makeup
d) Painted them on
e) Covered them with bandages

8. How did Demarcus, Polly, and Delford escape from the train?

a) They jumped onto the ground.
b) They used their clothes as parachutes.
c) They didn’t.
d) They climbed down a ladder.
e) They waited for the enforcers to rescue them.

Question from Sapien Loop Frozen in Time

9. What did Denise hear in the narrow section of the tunnel at night?

a) Footsteps
b) Voices
c) Running water
d) A scuffing sound
e) Nothing

Entry Format

For this contest, I expect to see entries made in the following format:


Example of Entry

Q1: e
Q2: b
Q3: a
Q4: c
Q5: c
Q6: c
Q7: e
Q8: b
Q9: a

The closing date and time for this contest is 6PM Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) 04/04/2025. Responses after this time will not be accepted. The winners will be announced in the results post.

The Sapien Loop Series


I am writing a trilogy of books titled Sapien Loop. The first in the series is Sapien Loop: End of an Era and the second is Sapien Loop: Frozen in Time. I published both of these books as ebooks on Amazon, and I have posted completed chapters to my @captainhive account. I anticipate publishing the third book in early 2027. I expect to title this book Sapien Loop: Worlds Collide. In 2025, I plan to write short stories about some of the characters and their adventures. I will post these to my @captainhive over the course of the year.

Brief Summary of Sapien Loop: End of an Era


This story is based on the fictional planet Sapia and its sole country, Sapey. Sapey is portrayed as a form of utopia for all its citizens. No poverty. No war. Almost no crime. Opportunities for all.

This was enough for most citizens, but not all. In one of the small regions, some of the citizens had become discontent. They felt something important was missing in their lives. Their discontent did not go unnoticed. Some of the Sapey elite wanted to weaponise this discontent to gain more power. This created more chaos than they anticipated. This led to further widespread social unrest.

On top of the chaos, ambition and greed provoked another enemy. This enemy was on a mission to settle both new and old scores.

Brief Summary of Sapien Loop: Frozen in Time


This story is based six years after the original story. The Downs Region is still suffering from a serious health crisis caused by the contaminated water. The main characters are desperately trying to a find a cure for the illness that has been caused by the water.

One of the main characters has discovered frozen humanoids in hidden chambers. It appears they have been frozen for a long time. These chambers connect to a vast network of tunnels. While exploring the tunnels, one of the frozen humanoids disappears. It appears he has been stolen.

The story takes a step back in time to tell the story of the frozen humanoids. How and why were they frozen? This part of the story also explains the fall of ancient Sapey and the birth of the Sapiens. Can those from the past be able to coexist with those from the present?

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