Is Road Infrastructure That Improves Operating Speed a Double-Edged Sword When It Comes to Road Safety?

Hi Everyone,


Welcome to the sixth post in my conference and journal paper post series. This series will contain ten conference and journal papers from my time working in the Queensland Government. In my post, My Peer Reviewed Conference and Journal Papers, I explain the purpose of this series.

In 2014, I published and presented three papers. I presented two at the ARRB Conference and one at the European Transport Conference. The paper, Is Road Infrastructure That Improves Operating Speed a Double-Edged Sword When It Comes to Road Safety?, was one of the papers I presented at the ARRB Conference. The paper went through the scrutiny of Transport and Main Roads. This was not a problem, as I did not discuss any particular project or even mention the department or the Queensland Government. Instead, the paper focused on data and the relationship between speed and various types of road crashes.

The previous year’s paper was the incentive for this paper. A key failing of the Bruce Highway Action Plan (BHAP) was the added danger to motorists from higher operating speeds. The BHAP projects would reduce the number of road crashes but increase their severity because the crashes would occur at a higher speed. Therefore, road safety should not be assessed on just the impact on the number of accidents but also their severity.

The paper was well received by the conference, and it aligned with the shift towards greater analysis of crashes and the costs of these crashes. However, I do not know the extent to which this approach has been adopted by economists conducting cost benefit analysis. It is most likely adopted when isolating crash types increases the benefits of a project. For example, a safety focused project. If the project were focused on reducing travel times, a simple analysis on the reduction of crashes would most likely be used. The Government would not want to pay for a cost benefit analysis that indicates that their projects could be costing lives even if that were the most likely outcome. I say this based on my experience working on BHAP.



Building new or upgrading existing road infrastructure is a common practice to reduce congestion and improve travel time. Road infrastructure projects that successfully improve operating speeds throughout the day or just during peak periods also have an impact on safety.

This paper aims to address how new or upgraded road infrastructure primarily constructed to improve operating speed impacts road safety. Is road safety improved, worsened or negligibly changed? Literature indicates that higher speeds increase the severity of road accidents but new and upgraded road infrastructure is generally built to a standard that will reduce the probability of accidents occurring. Does the reduced probability of an accident occurring offset the more severe accidents likely to occur from the higher operating speeds? The matter is further complicated when the new or upgraded infrastructure eliminates particular severe accident types that occur even at lower speeds such as head-on collisions on existing single carriageway roads.

In this paper, three types of road projects are considered, town bypasses, duplication of carriageways and overtaking lanes. These three types of projects have been selected due to the different nature of safety implications for each project type. The accident costs for each of these projects have been calculated using both the Austroads’ human capital approach and Hensher’s willingness to pay approach. Reductions in accidents are calculated based on model road state (MRS) and percentage reductions based on particular treatments. The safety implications for projects may not be as predictable as one would expect.


This paper investigates the relationship between improved infrastructure, primarily designed to improve vehicle operating speed, and safety. The key relationships investigated are speed, accident1 rate, accident severity and treatments incorporated in the infrastructure upgrades. There is an abundance of safety data available and this data is relatively detailed. Date of accident, severity of accident, type of accident (according to code) and location of accident are normally readily available. The relationship between vehicle speeds, accidents and accident severity cannot easily be established, as the speed of the vehicle during impact is not normally available. The speed limit can act as a proxy to determine a breakdown of accident types and severity at various speeds if the speed limit is the key determinate of operating speed. Unfortunately, speed limit is not a strong proxy for operating speed when roads are close to capacity and vehicles are operating at speeds well below the posted speed limit. Literature suggests that higher speed limits result in more severe accidents. Can this same relationship be applied to operating speed?

In this paper, accident data has been collected from highways and motorways from around South-east Queensland (SEQ).This data is grouped according to a calculated average operating speed at the locations of the accidents. The calculated operating speed relies upon the relationship between operating speed and the volume capacity ratio (VCR). This ratio can be calculated based on the traffic volume and capacity of the highway. Accident rates based on the severity for each band of operating speeds are calculated. These accident rates are used to determine the average cost per million vehicle kilometres travelled (mVKT). The aim of determining the accident rates and costs for various bands of operating speed is to determine how changes in operating speed affects frequency and severity of accidents.

The paper applies the calculated accident rates and costs per mVKT to three hypothetical case studies of projects that aim to improve operating speed. Two approaches to estimating the costs of accidents has been applied to the case studies. The first approach is the Austroads human capital (HC) approach and second is the Hensher willingness to pay (WTP) approach. Two credible approaches have been applied with varying values for accidents of different severity to help determine if the overall safety of the road can be consistently stated as improved by the project.


Road infrastructure upgrades generally improve or add to existing infrastructure to improve operating speed. Road infrastructure designed to increase capacity and increase operating speeds follow engineering standards that are intended to either mitigate or reduce severity of accidents. Hauer (1997) considers the impacts of treatments on safety by comparing projected accidents based on regressed trends in historical data to actual accidents on the completion of a particular treatment. RTA (2004) established percentage reductions for various treatments according to accident type. These accident types are classified according to definitions for classifying accidents (DCA) or road user movement (RUM). Andreassen (1993) noted that treatments could affect frequency of accidents or the distribution of injury severity. A treatment that reduces the frequency of an accident type that has a high percentage of fatalities will reduce the accident rate and accident severity of accidents expected to occur at the site of that treatment. In the absence of changes to operating speed, new road infrastructure is expected to improve safety.

The next step is to determine the impacts operating speed has on safety in the absence of any new infrastructure. Austroads (2012) Guide to Project Evaluation contains costs per crash stereotype for RUM at various speed limits for Western Australia and costs per crash stereotype for DCA codes at various speed limits for Victoria. The higher speed limits have higher costs per crash figure across all reported accident types for both Western Australia and Victoria. Crashes by severity were also provided for Victoria according to speed limit. Higher speed limits produced higher percentages of accidents resulting in fatalities or hospitalisation; Table 1 contains accident severity for Victoria according to speed limit. Evidence produced by Austroads (2012) strongly indicates a positive relationship between speed limits and crash severity. Speed limits and operating speed normally have a positive relationship implying operating speed and crash severity have a positive relationship.

Table 1: Accident Severity based on Speed for Victoria, Australia.

Speed Limit (km/h) Killed Hospitalised Other Injury Total Causalities Not Injured
<50 0.20% 16.10% 32.20% 48.50% 51.50%
50 0.40% 19.50% 33.50% 53.40% 46.60%
60 0.50% 17.90% 32.00% 50.30% 49.70%
70 0.70% 19.20% 30.00% 49.90% 50.10%
80 1.00% 20.00% 31.00% 52.00% 48.00%
90 1.70% 26.90% 30.40% 59.00% 41.00%
100 3.20% 30.10% 33.00% 66.30% 33.70%
110 3.50% 28.00% 33.50% 64.90% 35.10%
Source: Austroads, (2012), Guide to Project Evaluation Part 4: Project Evaluation Data, Austroads, Table C 3-

Research conducted by Kloeden et al (1997) indicated that the risk of casualties doubled every 5km/h above 60km/h in a 60km/h speed limit zone. This observation by Kloeden et al (1997) implies a relationship between speed and casualties but more strongly indicates the relationship between speeding and casualties. However, congestion and speeding would expected to be negatively related.

Examples of changes in policy provide an indication of the relationship between speed and road safety. In the USA, in 1974, the government reduced the maximum national speed limit to 55mph as an attempt to reduce fuel consumption. Road fatalities also happen to fall by 16.4%, there were 45,196 fatalities in 1974 compared to 54,052 in 1973 (Friedman et al 2009). Since 1995, USA federal speed limits have been removed from roads. The number of fatalities has also increase substantially. Friedman et al (2009) estimated that the higher speed limits account for an additional 12,545 deaths over a 10-year period. Can we assume congestion related restrictions to operating speed have the same effect on crash severity as speed limits?

Andreassen (1992) calculated the mean costs per accident per accident categories for repairs and casualty for rural and urban areas. He found that the percentage of accidents that resulted in fatalities and hospitalisation were higher in rural areas than urban areas. Urban environments have lower average operating speeds than rural areas due to less congestion and higher speed limits. It is still possible that factors other than operating speed, such as driver fatigue or conditions or quality of rural roads, contribute to the higher fatality and injury rates in rural areas.

Another approach would be to consider the relationship between accidents and traffic volume in the same environment. Kononov, Bailey and Allery (2008), established a relationship between accidents per mile per year (APMPY) and traffic volume for freeways in the USA. Their findings indicated a strong positive relationship between APMPY for total accidents and average annual daily traffic (AADT) but such a relationship did not exist for injuries and fatalities once the level of service (LOS) for the highway fell to F2 , indicating congestion may reduce the probability of accidents causing serious injuries.

Consistent with Kononov, Bailey and Allery’s findings regarding LOS, Shefer and Rietveld (1997) observed that the number of fatalities did not spike during the peak periods of the days. Instead, the number of fatalities was lower in the morning peak and remained constant from around 2PM to 2AM before dropping to AM peak numbers. Fatality statistics for 2011 and 2012 from the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development (2014) follow a very similar pattern to those observed by Shefer and Rietveld (1997). The lack of spikes in fatalities during peak periods indicates that factors other than traffic volume are influencing the number of fatal accidents. The most obvious factors to consider would be changes in speed or increased fatigue as the day ends. Average speeds are lower during peak periods; a positive relationship between speed and fatalities is a possible explanation. Fatigue related accidents could explain the drop in morning peak accidents but it does not explain why fatality rates did not continue to increase from mid-afternoon to the afternoon peak.

Wang (2010) found, with his study of the M25 in the UK, that there was a positive relationship between congestion and the frequency of serious injuries occurring from accidents but did not have sufficient data to determine a relationship between congestion and fatalities. As with other studies, Wang (2010) established a strong relationship between AADT and frequency of accidents. The objective of Wang’s thesis was to determine if the problems of congestion and safety can be reduced simultaneously. He also investigated the impact new engineering standards have on reducing accidents drawing similar conclusions to Hauer (1997).

Evidence generally suggests that higher operating speeds are likely to produce accidents of a more serious nature. What impact do higher operating speeds have on accident rate? Navon (2003), identified that the accident rate increases with the number of interactions between vehicles such as passing in the same or opposite direction. He found that the number of interactions are higher at lower average operating speeds. Aarts and Schagen (2006), found that the accident rate increased as operating speed increased. Their work involved the collecting and collating work from other various studies to draw their conclusions. They also found that accident rates increased when there was a greater variance in speed of vehicles travelling. According to Marchesini and Weijermars (2012), there is a perception that crash frequency increases with congestion levels. They also observed that crash severity is less within queues than at the end of queues. Lee, Hellinga and Saccomanno (2003), found accidents were more closely related to changes in speed within the queue rather than directly to the average speed of the queue. Accident rates seem more closely related to the cause of the reduction in operating speed and fluctuations in operating speed rather operating speed itself.


Current literature strongly implies a positive relationship between operating speed and accident severity but the relationship between operating speed and accident frequency is less clear. The relationships discussed in the literature review are tested in the context of South-east Queensland (SEQ) motorways and highways. Motorways and highways have been selected because of the consistently higher speed limits and lack of intersections. The high speed limits of the motorways are an important consideration to isolate accidents related to operating speed influenced by lack of road capacity. The exclusion of intersections was also an important factor as intersections have different accident severity and rates to mid-block sections of road, to include them would distort the analysis. Existing mid-block treatments along the selected motorways and highways are included in data and are reflected in the aggregate results presented. Table 2 contains the sections of highways/motorways incorporated in the analysis.

Table 2: Motorway and length of motorway considered in the analysis.

Motorway/Highway Section Length
Pacific Motorway (Queensland) 79km
Bruce Highway (Brisbane - Maryborough) 225km
Sunshine Motorway (Tanawha - Mooloolaba) 8.6km
Gold Coast Highway (Helensvale to Coolangatta) 29.8km
Gateway Arterial Road 11.3km
Warrego Highway (Ipswich to Toowoomba) (Chainage 48km:83km excluded) 95km
Western Arterial Road (Ellen Grove to Jindalee) 14.5km

Data for the motorways and highways was sourced from a road management information system (ARMIS) for the years 2010 and 2011. Two years of data from the selected highways/motorways were deemed required to be sufficient to conduct the analysis. Using more than two years could distort the cross sectional analysis if the accidents are collected over a broad time period. A cross sectional analysis was preferred to a time series analysis. Time series data of a particular motorway could be biased towards particularly dangerous sections of road for reasons not related to the operating speed such as road alignment or lane and road mergers. Accidents caused by these factors could be attributed to the operating speed of that section rather than the actual cause; collecting cross sectional data from several motorways/highways limits this shortcoming by providing a larger area of study.

Data sourced from ARMIS includes accident severity, location of accident, speed limit, annual average daily traffic (AADT), percentage of heavy vehicles and number of lanes, carriageways and model road state (MRS). Operating speed was calculated using the volume capacity ratio (VCR) and parameters for the motorway/highway MRS. Vehicles are assumed to operate at the speed limit until the VCR reaches 0.4. From VCR of 0.4 to 1, the operating speed drops from the speed limit linearly to 70km/h. After the VCR reaches 1, the operating speed drops linearly from 70km/h to the queuing speed. Figure 1 contains a graph illustrating the above changes in operating speed and Equations 1 and 2 contain the formula for calculating operating speed between VCR of 0.4 and 1 and VCR of 1 and 1.25.

Figure 1: Relationship between Traffic Volume and Operating Speed


Equation 1
Operating Speed = 70km/h + (SpeedLimit - 70km/h) × (1 – VCR)/(1 - 0.4)

Equation 2
Operating Speed = QueuingSpeed+ (70km/h - QueuingSpeed) × (1.25 – VCR)/(1.25 - 1)

Source: Austroads (2005)

Traffic volume was calculated by summating the passenger car equivalents (PCE) for cars and heavy vehicles. Heavy vehicles were allocated a PCE of 2.4; this is the PCE for articulated trucks on a flat surface Austroads (2005). Capacity of the motorway was obtained based on MRS. Table 3 contains the hourly capacity of motorways/highways per MRS.

Table 3: Hourly Motorway Capacity.

MRSNumber of LanesCapacity (PCE per hour)

Source: Transport and Main Roads (2011), Cost-benefit Analysis Manual: Road Projects, Table 2

Peak and off-peak traffic volumes were not available, the capacity factor adjusts the average speed calculated to incorporate some of the impact peak traffic flow has on operating speed. The capacity factor used in this analysis is 12.5%; this is the recommended capacity factor for urban motorways (TMR 2011). Equation 3 contains the formula used to calculate the VCR.

Equation 3
VCR = (AADTCars + (AADTHeavyVehicles × 2.4))/(HourlyCapacity/12.5%)

The accident data was collected and grouped according to the calculated operating speeds. The intention was to group the data in 10km/h intervals; this was only possible for operating speeds greater than 70km/h. The vehicles kilometres travelled (VKT) below 70km/h for 10km/h intervals was not sufficient to draw any meaningful results. All accidents occurring under the operating speed of 70km/h were grouped together. Table 4 contains the calculated accident rate per mVKT for each accident type.

Table 4: Accidents per MVKT for Operating Speed based on Severity.

Speed Range MVKT Fatal Hospitalised Minor Injury PDO All
Less than 70km/h 426.38 - 0.082 0.204 0.099 0.38
70km/h-80km/h 2,839.35 0.001 0.037 0.084 0.046 0.17
80km/h-90km/h 8,179.84 0.002 0.036 0.059 0.036 0.13
90km/h-100km/h 2,027.71 0.002 0.038 0.050 0.048 0.14
Greater than 100km/h 1,618.45 0.005 0.043 0.059 0.044 0.15

The results clearly indicate a positive relationship between operating speed and fatalities per mVKT and negative relationship between operating speed and minor injuries and property damage per mVKT. For accidents resulting in hospitalisation, there appears to be a negative relationship up to about an operating speed of 80km/h and after that the relationship appears positive. If all accident types are included, the accident rate appears to be generally falling as operating speed increases.

Analysing the accident data according to percentage breakdown of accident severity reveals the percentage of serious accidents, both fatal and involving hospitalisation, increase with operating speed. Percentage of minor injuries fall with operating speed, while property damage only (PDO) surprisingly appears to increase with operating speed. The results in general quite closely resemble those from Victoria presented in Table 1. Table 5 contains the percentage occurrence of accidents based on severity.

Table 5: Percentage of Occurrence of accidents for Operating Speed based on severity.

Speed RangeFatalHospitalisedMinor InjuryPDO
Less than 70km/h0.00%21.34%53.05%25.61%
100km/h or Greater3.27%28.57%38.78%29.39%

Average cost per accident has been calculated by summating the multiplication of the percentage occurrence of an accident type by the estimated cost per accident as expressed in Equation 4.

Equation 4
%Fatal × CostFatal + %Hosp × CostHosp + %Minor × CostMinor + %PDO × CostPDO

The costs per accident based on severity have been considered using the human capital (HC) approach sourced from Austroads (2012) and the willingness to pay (WTP) approach sourced from Hensher et al (2009). The HC approach adopted by Austroads values the costs per fatality at $2,433,000 in June 2010 prices or $2,641,253 in September 2013 prices3 , whereas the willingness to pay approach adopted by Hensher et al (2009) values the costs per fatality at $6,369,655 in June 2007 prices or $7,553,525 in September 2013 prices.

Table 6 contains the average cost per accident and accident cost per mVKT for ranges of operating speeds.

Table 6: Accident costs for ranges of operating speed.

Type of Approach/Human Capital ApproachWillingness to Pay Approach
Speed RangeAverage CostCost mVKTAverage CostCost mVKT
Less than 70km/h$ 150,48$ 57,882$ 91,355$ 35,138
70km/h-80km/h$ 169,738$ 28,456$ 140,409$ 23,539
80km/h-90km/h$ 216,430$ 28,708$ 201,518$ 26,730
90km/h-100km/h$ 233,037$ 32,179$ 246,419$ 34,027
100km/h or Greater$ 279,065$ 42,245$ 362,158$ 54,823

Average costs per accident increases as operating speed increases; this holds true for both the HC and WTP approaches. The accident cost per mVKT using the Austroads HC approach is highest for the speed range of less than 70km/h. The accident cost per mVKT using the Hensher et al WTP approach is highest for the speed range of greater than 100km/h. The evidence suggests improvements in operating speed lowers the probability of an accident occurring whilst increasing the severity of the accident. The net effect of improved operating speed on overall safety appears to be subject to the value placed on costs per accident based on severity. The Hensher et al WTP approach places a much higher value on fatalities, which increases the average cost per accident and eliminates any savings from the lowered accident rate from improved operating speed.

The accident data collected from the SEQ motorways/highways were also considered in regards to accident type. Rear-end crashes make up approximately 40% of accidents at average operating speeds of below 70km/h and approximately 13% of accidents at above 100km/h. These results are consistent with Marchesini and Weijermars (2012) findings of increased occurrences of accidents at the end of queues4 . Rear-end accidents are also generally less like to cause serious injury or fatalities (Knipling, Wang and Yin 1993).The other accident types from the data sets did not appear, from a glance, obviously affected by operating speed. Further analysis could be conducted to establish if any other relationships exist.

The key limitation of the accident analysis conducted for this paper is the lack of available traffic data. An example of such limitation is the use of AADT rather than peak and off-peak data to calculate operating speed. The use of AADT produces average speeds across the day, which does not sufficiently isolate sections of the motorways/highways that become congested during peak times. Hence, the reason for the lack of results produced for speeds under 70km/h. Additional data may also make it possible to run regression analyses to determine the sensitivity of various accidents types to changes in speed. For this to be possible, more precise operating speeds need to be available rather broad estimates or ranges of speed over sections of road. In addition, data of other non-speed related factors would need to be available, such as the condition of the road, the alignment of the road or the weather conditions at the time of the accident.

Data has also only been collected from SEQ. The SEQ motorways and highways are not subject to high levels of congestion. The results from this analysis would be enhanced by the inclusion of data from other states within Australia.

The results produced in this analysis are also only applicable to motorways and highways. Incorporating other types of roads is possible but the impact of intersections need to be considered; such a study would require complex modelling involving tools such as the Australian National Risk Assessment Model (ANRAM)5 as well as improved quality of data.


So far this paper has demonstrated with existing literature and with an analysis of highways and motorways in South-east Queensland (SEQ) that a positive relationship between operating speed, induced by both speed limits and lack of road capacity, and accident severity. The results of the analysis also indicate that reduced operating speed caused by capacity restrictions increases the accident rate. Incorporating changes in accident severity caused by changes in operating speed into a cost benefit analysis (CBA) can be accomplishable by applying the average accident costs recommended in current Austroads guidelines using speed limit as a proxy for operating speed. Current guidelines do not include changes in accident rate caused by changes in operating speed. If the higher costs per crash at higher speeds are incorporated and not the increased accident rate, the CBA will be biased against projects that improve operating speeds.

Three hypothetical case studies have been included in this paper to demonstrate the impact of improved operating speed on accident costs. The case studies included are an overtaking lane, duplication of two lanes to four lanes and a town bypass. These case studies have been selected as these projects are focused around increasing capacity and improving operating speed. These projects are also typically located along highways, which is relevant to the values produced by the analysis in the previous section. These hypothetical case studies should provide insight to whether an upgraded road that improves operating speed will also improve safety.

4.1. Overtaking Lane

The reductions in accidents for overtaking lanes are outlined in Austroads (2001) publication: Economic Evaluation of Road Investment Proposals: Improved Prediction Models for Road Crash Savings. Austroads (2001) overtaking lane accident reductions are outlined in Figure 2

Figure 2: Overtaking Lane Accident Reductions

Source: Austroads, (2001), Economic Evaluation of Road Investment Proposals: Improved Prediction Models for Road Crash Savings, Figure F1

An overtaking lane is expected to reduce accidents by allowing safer overtaking using a passing lane rather than overtaking against oncoming traffic. The overtaking lane is expected to reduce accidents for an additional 5km downstream of the overtaking lane as faster vehicles are expected to clear slower vehicles and less likely to overtake in the following 5km. The operating speed of the downstream area will also be improved. The overtaking lane is expected to reduce accidents 3km upstream as road users are expected to delay overtaking until the overtaking lane is reached6 .

If we assume the overtaking lane is 1km and the AADT is projected to be 8000 in year 1. The annual mVKT for the overtaking lane section of road is 2.92 (8000×365), the downstream area is 14.6 (2.92×5) and upstream area is 8.76 (2.92×3).

To test the impact on safety we can assume the following operating speeds:
• Average operating speed of 100km/h7 for the overtaking lane (project case).
• Average operating speed of less than 70km/h for the existing road.
• Average operating speed of 90km/h for the downstream area (project case).
• Average operating speed of less than 70km/h for the downstream area (base case).
• Average operating speed of less than 70km/h for the upstream area (both cases).

The accident costs for the base case and project case can be calculated using Equations 5 and 6.

Equation 5
Base Case Acc Cost=(mVKTd+mVKTu+mVKTotl)×Cost(mVKT,Spbc)
mVKTd = mVKT downstream
mVKTu = mVKT upstream
mVKTotl = mVKT overtaking lane
Cost (mVKT, Spbc) = Cost per mVKT at the base case speed

Equation 6
Project Case AccCost = mVKTd×Cost(mVKT,Sppcd)+mVKTotl×Cost(mVKT,Sppcotl)+mVKTu×Cost(mVKT,Sppcu)
Cost (mVKT, Sppcd) = Cost per mVKT at the project case speed in the downstream area
Cost (mVKT, Sppcotl) = Cost per mVKT at the project case speed along the overtaking lane
Cost (mVKT, Sppcu) = Cost per mVKT at the project case speed in the upstream area

Using the Austroads HC approach to accident costs, the accident costs in the base case are $1,521,1398 and accident costs in the project case are $1,044,9129 . The undiscounted accident cost savings in year 1 are $476,227.

Using the Hensher WTP approach to accident costs, the accident costs in the base case are $923,42710 and accident costs in the project case are $904,55011 . The undiscounted accident cost savings in year 1 are $18,876.

Both the human capital cost and willingness to pay approaches produced accident cost savings for the overtaking lane example. The differences in savings though were quite substantial. At a discount rate of 7% over a 30-year period and a zero traffic growth rate, Austroads’ HC approach produces over $5,5m12 more savings than Hensher’s WTP approach; this difference in savings would most likely cover the capital cost of the overtaking lane.

4.2. Duplication of a two-lane highway

Duplicating a two-lane road to a four-lane dual carriageway substantially reduces the accident rate of the road13 . The action to upgrade a two-lane road to a four-lane dual carriageway is often triggered by the lack of capacity or projected lack of capacity of the existing two-lanes. The lack of capacity will eventually reduce the operating speed of vehicles14 .

If we assume a two-lane road has an AADT of 20,000 vehicles for a stretch of 5km, producing an mVKT of 36.5. We can adjust the base case accident cost per mVKT by multiplying the cost per mVKT by the percentage increase in accident rate of a two-lane road compared to a four-lane dual carriageway.

Using the Austroads HC approach, the accident costs in the base case are $2,379,44715 and the accident costs in the project case are $1,541,94316 . The undiscounted accident cost savings in year 1 are $837,505.

Using the Hensher WTP approach, the accident costs in the base case are $1,444,47317 and the accident costs in the project case are $2,001,04018 . The undiscounted accident cost savings in year 1 are -$556,566. Accident costs have increased by 38.5% in the project case.

Applying the Austroads HC approach to the CBA indicates the two-lane to four-lane duplication project improves safety while applying the Hensher WTP approach to the CBA indicates the project reduces safety. If we apply a discount rate of 7% over a 30 year period and zero traffic growth rate, the difference in savings between the two approaches amounts to over $17.2m.

The project case accident costs could be reduced by including additional safety treatments that do not affect the operating speed such as improved line markings or the removal of roadside objects. RTA (2004) suggest that splitting a road into two carriageways almost eliminates head-on collisions. Head-on collisions have a higher fatality rate than most other accident types. The lower percentage of head-on collisions in the project case could reduce the cost per accident to below that of the base case if the accident data for the proposed upgraded section of road has a significant number of head-on collisions. The approach described in this paper only uses a generic accident rate based on MRS, therefore does not consider the breakdown of various accident types.

4.3. Town bypass

Cost benefit analyses of bypasses tend to be quite complicated especially if the bypassed town has a number of intersections that are close to capacity. To demonstrate the impact the upgrade has on speed a number of assumptions have been made, these assumptions are listed below:

• Three signalised intersections are bypassed.
• Intersection are assumed an accident rate of 0.16 per million vehicles entering (mve)19 .
• An average of 30,000 vehicles are assumed to enter each intersection daily.
• The total length of the bypassed sections of road is 8km.
• The average operating speed on the bypassed sections is less than 70km/h.
• The AADT of the bypassed sections is projected to be 20,000 by the time the bypass opens.
• Half of the projected AADT is expected to shift from the bypassed section to the bypass
• The total length of the bypass is also 8km.
• The average operating speed on the bypass is greater than 100km/h.

The base case and project case accident costs can be calculated using Equations 7 and 8.

Equation 7
Base Case Acc Cost= 3×(mvebc×AccRate×AvgCost)+mVKTbbc×Cost(mVKT, spbbc)
mvebc = mve the intersection in the base case
mVKTbbc = mVKT on bypassed sections of road
Cost (mVKT,spbbc) = Cost per mVKT at the base case speed on the bypassed sections of road

Equation 8
Project Case Acc Cost = 3(mvepc×AccRate×AvgCost)+mVKTbpc×Cost(mVKT,spbpc)+mVKTbnpc×Cost(mVKT,spbnpc)
mvebc = mve the intersection in the project case
Cost (mVKT,spbbc) = Cost per mVKT at the project case speed on the bypassed sections of road
Cost (mVKT,spbnpc) = Cost per mVKT at the project case speed on the bypass

In the base case, the mVKT of the bypassed section of road is 58.4 and the annual mve for each intersection is 10.95. In the project case, the mVKT of the bypassed sections are halved and mve of the intersections is two-thirds as vehicles switch to the bypass, which will have an mVKT of 29.2.

Using the Austroads HC approach, the accident costs in the base case are $4,171,26320 and accident costs in the project case are $3,319,18621 . The undiscounted accident cost savings in year 1 are $852,078.

Using the Hensher WTP approach, the accident costs in the base case are $2,532,22122 and accident costs in the project case are $2,946,96923 . The undiscounted accident cost savings in year 1 are -$414,748.

If the average operating speed for vehicles on the bypass were reduced to 90km/h, the accident costs in the project case would be $2,339,72624 . The bypass project would now have positive accident savings of $192,495 using the WTP approach25 . The effect of reducing speed limits is discussed in the next section of the paper.

The two approaches again produce different results. Austroads HC approach indicates improved safety and Hensher WTP approach indicates decreased safety. This time the difference in savings, at a discount rate of 7% over a 30-year period and zero traffic growth rate, amounts to over $14.7m.

The only difference in methodology applied to the three case studies are the costs of severity for each accident type. This difference is critical considering the evidence suggesting projects that improve operating speed reduce accident rate but increase accident severity. How many minor accidents equate to one serious or fatal accident? Different studies and different methodologies will reveal different results.


The paper, unfortunately, does not provide a straightforward answer to whether projects that improve operating speed also improve safety. A possible step forward could be to include detailed reporting of the project impacts on safety in the CBA report. Instead of just reporting accident cost saving, the savings in various categories of accident savings could be reported. Regardless of the values placed on each category of severity, the results for each category will be consistent. Breaking accident costs down according to category would also allow improved sensitivity testing of accident costs and rates per category.

The types of accidents occurring at lower speeds differ from those at higher speeds. Rear-end crashes are more frequent at lower speeds or when speeds tend to fluctuate. Accident reductions based on speed should be applied to the analysis of treatment types. For example, an upgrade could involve adding lanes to improve operating speed with the option of removing roadside objects such as trees. The higher operating speed may affect the probability a vehicle hits a tree. The accident rate should reflect the change in probability from the change in operating speed before the reduction from removing the tree is applied. Hence, the effects of the treatment and changes in operating speed are reflected in the CBA.

In the three hypothetical case studies presented, it was assumed the project case operating speed was 100km/h. If the project case speed limit was reduced to 90km/h, hence reducing the average operating speed to a maximum of 90km/h, according to the calculated costs per mVKT, projects that improve operating speeds are likely to produce accident cost savings. The accident data collected from Victoria presented in Table 1 also shows a jump from 1.7% to 3.2% of accidents resulting in fatalities when the speed limit increased from 90km/h to 100km/h. Freidman et al (2009) also observed from his study of US Highways that when speed limits were dropped to 55mph (88.5km/h) fatalities dropped significantly. According to RACQ (2013), the speed limit was reduced from 100km/h to 90km/h along the Bruce Highway between Cooroy and Curra in 2008. This reduction in speed limit resulted in a 16% accident reduction. The results from this analysis as well as data from Victoria and evidence from Friedmen et al and RACQ suggest that a reduction in speed limit to 90km/h will reduce the costs of accidents.


The paper has attempted to analyse the safety impacts of projects that aim to improve vehicle operating speed. The literature considered generally found that higher operating speeds tended to increase the severity of accidents but produced mixed results regarding the overall frequency of accidents. The analysis of the accidents along selected SEQ motorways and highways strongly suggested that the severity of accidents increased with operating speed, this was particularly true for fatal accidents. The analysis also suggested that the accident rate decreased with operating speed until around 80-90km/h before the rate started to increase again.

Accident costs per mVKT for different bands of speed were determined using the accident rates derived from the analysis and two different approaches to evaluating costs per accident. The two approaches used were the Austroads HC approach and the Hensher WTP approach. The calculated accident costs per mVKT were applied to three hypothetical case studies. These accident cost were adjusted according to the treatments applied. The results of the case studies varied quite considerably depending on the how different accident types were valued. Austroads HC approach values the cost of a fatality at about a third of the value of the Hensher WTP approach. As fatal accidents increased with operating speed, the Hensher WTP approach penalises projects more than the Austroads HC approach. Using the WTP values is likely to produce negative accident cost savings for projects that improve the operating speed of vehicles. If the speed limit for highways and motorways is reduced to 90km/h, the extent of the increase in accident severity could be substantially reduced.

Evidence suggests that upgrading road infrastructure to improve operating speed is likely to be a double-edged sword with increases in fatal accidents even if the total number of accidents are reduced. Improved safety and operating speed is still possible, if a project site has both low operating speeds and a high percentage of serious accidents that can be mitigated or eliminated by the proposed new infrastructure.

End Notes

  1. In some text, ‘accidents’ are referred to as ‘crashes’. The term has been used interchangeably in places in this paper.
  2. LOS is a qualitative measure of capacity and operating conditions and is directly related to vehicle delay. LOS is given a letter designation from A to F, LOS A representing very short delays and LOS F representing very long delays (Transportation Research Board 2000).
  3. Prices have been adjusted by the changes in the CPI from June 2007 and June 2010 to September 2013
  4. If assuming queuing during peak periods is a reason for the daily lower average operating speeds.
  5. ANRAM is a system that provides a viable alternative to address the gaps that currently exist in the determining and assessment of risk-based road investment (Bekavac et al 2012).
  6. The TMR (2011) CBA manual contains detailed case studies of overtaking lanes.
  7. The data revealed a large proportion of highways and motorways have speed limits of at least 100km/h.
  8. (2.92+14.6+8.76)×57,882 = 1,521,139
  9. 2.92×42,245×0.75+14.6×32,179×0.975+8.76×57,882×0.975 = 1,044,912
  10. (2.92+14.6+8.76)×57,882 = 923,427
  11. 2.92×42,245×0.75+14.6×32,179×0.975+8.76×57,882×0.975 = 904,550
  12. The total discounted difference in savings for the project was calculated by multiplying the year 1 difference in savings by 12.4 (∑discount factors)
  13. The accident rate of a two-lane road with a seal width of 10m is 0.223 and the accident rate of a four-lane dual carriageway is 0.198.
  14. In this case study, we have assumed average operating speed drops below 70km/h in the base case, while the average operating speed is assumed to remain above 100km/h in the project case.
  15. 36.5×57,882×0.223/0.198 = 2,379,447
  16. 36.5×42,245 = 1,541,943
  17. 36.5×35,138×0.223/0.198 = 1,444,473
  18. 36.5×54,823 = 2,001,040
  19. 0.16 per mve is the accident rate stated in Austroads (2001).
  20. 3×10.95×0.16×150,486+58.4×57,882 = 4,171,263
  21. 3×7.3×0.16×150,486+29.2×57,882+29.2×42,245 = 3,319,186
  22. 3×10.95×0.16×91,355+58.4×35,138 = 2,532,221
  23. 3×7.3×0.16×91,355+29.2×35,138+29.2×54,823 = 2,946,969
  24. 3×5.475*×0.16×91,355+29.2×35,138+29.2×34,027 = 2,339,726
  25. We have also assumed that road users do not break the speed limit when traffic is free flowing.


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Great job! Keep up the good work! 👏 !STRIDE (Comment !STOPSTRIDE to stop receiving upvotes & STR)


Parsing this briefly - Table 1: Accident Severity based on Speed for Victoria, Australia was interesting in that 80 km/hour seemed to be an interesting threshold where the accident severity makes a marked jump.


Posted using Political Hive


That is interesting. It is consistent with other statistics I've seen in Australia. I think the force of the impact is too great above these speeds, so more people die.
