Die with a smile

Most times in life people think about literally everything, from what to eat, what to wear to even how their lips look. Over the years, one of the major problems of man had been noticed to be worrying. A lot of people through their worries has attracted to themselves one problem or another but there are a few who have found out the secret to a more healthy lifestyle. These set of persons found out the power behind meditation and some practice yoga. There are also those who believe in giving up on all the worries of their life by laying them at the feet of Jesus Christ, these set of people are the Christians. Through Christianity I have learnt by steady dedication in reading the bible that there is power in spoken words and truly I've been practicing that and it works.


If God made it clear for us to know that everything on earth came about by his invisible word which materialized to the things we see and feel then indeed all on earth is vanity. Isn't it amazing how some people work so hard hoping to one day become a millionaire yet someone who hardly moves a muscle all of a sudden becomes wealthy and popular to start swimming in money. Funny enough, most of the things we worry about and later accumulate for ourselves are the things that we will still leave behind somewhere because among all the things that we worry about when one goes down to the grave they only had a cloth and possibly bare footed.

Jesus said “how many of you can grow a little more bigger than you already are by worrying”. In many parts of the world many people believe that worrying at all times can lead to high blood pressure and if that is true then truly a lot of people are seriously worrying because there are many who I've seen in hospitals and in some other health care sections including pharmacy stores who suffer from such. Though as humans sometimes we tend to know why things happen and to think of possible ways to tackle our challenges, I feel it's even better than worrying. When we go out to find solutions to our problems, our activities keep our mind busy and sometimes we could be distracted from our thoughts and it's a good thing to communicate our problems with someone else.

It is good to have someone who you know can give you good advice in the days of your problem. Even if they do not have money to give atleast good companionship and good advice goes a long way more than anything else even though money is good. Listening to this song “Does with a smile” by Bruno Mars this morning, I can't help but imagine what could make one die with a smile.
A man who is very much worried in life to the point of dying will even add more worries to himself most especially concerning his family he is leaving behind and his properties and lots more which will make smile even very far away from him. It is good for one to be content with whatever is available and not worry much. I personally believe that this year is not a year of worrying nor is it of troubles. This is a year of breakthrough, a year when employees become employers. Yeah I believe it by faith that many of us will be lifted in this year to higher positions by faith but don't just relax.

Faith without works is dead, the bible said and there is no food for a lazy person too. Though some people's labor appear to be in vein but that's where prayer comes in. Nothing in life calls for to much worrying and break down because what you are seeking for someone else has it yet it never solved the persons problems and he's seeking for more and also no matter how little you think you are, there is something you have someone else is praying to have too, that's life for you. One day I was seriously not happy because I saw a very fine shoe I could have bought if I had some money with me but because I don't have any money I struggled to stop staring at the shoe and passed it by in the supermarket, as I was coming out I saw a man whose two legs were cut and he was sitting on top of something with rollers on the floor.

Song lyrics

When I saw this man something said in my heart that I'm worrying for a finer shoe even though I have many at my disposal which I can wear but here is one whose wish is to have two perfectly walking legs even if he will have to be going barefoot he wouldn't mind. Do whatever you can, work hard, play hard, just make sure you live a fulfilled life and in the end you will smile with confidence knowing that you tried.

Thanks for reading my post.


Hmmm... food for thought. We should be grateful for the little we have because someone is out there admiring that little we've got.

We should just be hopeful, happy, and prayerful just as you said.



Truly, worrying is not usually favourable to any man and most of us know this just that sometimes we just can't help it especially when we are hit by the challenges of life.
We must adopt approaches to limit the extent we worry.


Those deep words you have here, worries are not a solution but hard work with faith is the beginning of success.


Fulfillment is not found in possessing material goods, although money makes life easier.

I am starting to find my inner peace after many years by understanding my part in the bigger plan, and my part does not need shoes, or cars, or diamond rings.

It helped me to be silent and listen, and to turn FUD into FAITH
