Do you like being called at 3am to go out? [ESP][ENG]


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¿Te gusta que te llamen a las 3am para salir?

Hola Hola

Vamos a cerrar el año tranquilitos con esta polémica.

Hay gente, voy a generalizar en géneros porque la verdad puede pasarle a cualquier persona.

¿Les gusta que los llamen a las 3am para salir? (¿Tengo que explicar el "por ahí"?)

Pues a mi parecer se siente muy chimbo que alguien te escriba o llame de madrugada, con alcohol en su sistema para ir a dar una vuelta. Mejor dicho, acostarse.

¿Por qué mejor no se disfrutan un rato compartiendo, tomandose algo, bailar, lo que sea y luego que sea lo que vaya a pasar?

He visto mucho que lo repiten como chiste o enseñanza, no lo sé, pero creo que no te pasa a ti solamemte que llaman a esa hora.

Mi dignidad esta negada a hacer cosas que no quiero hacer. Cuando ya estamos en casa tranquilos y los demas andan de fiesta, que se queden en su fiesta. No sean así.

No hay nada mejor que ser cortez con una persona, aunque sea una relación abierta, se sabe que no hay compromiso, pero no la trates como prostituta.

¿Se nota que no estoy de acuerdo con esas llamadas de 3am? Pues no estoy, son bajas y caen en la falta de respeto, sobretodo si ves que esa persona no andan en esas andanzas.

No hay respeto.


Do you like being called at 3am to go out?

Hello hello

Let's close the year calmly with this controversy.

There are people, I am going to generalize in genders because the truth can happen to anyone.

Do you like to be called at 3am to go out? (Do I have to explain the "over there"?)

Well, in my opinion it feels very bad that someone writes or calls you at dawn, with alcohol in their system to go for a walk. Better said, go to bed.

Why don't you enjoy spending some time sharing, having a drink, dancing, whatever and then whatever is going to happen?

I have seen a lot of people repeating it as a joke or teaching, I don't know, but I think it doesn't just happen to you that they call at that time.

My dignity is denied to do things I don't want to do. When we are calm at home and the others are partying, let them stay at their party. Don't be like that.

There is nothing better than being courteous to a person, even if it is an open relationship, it is known that there is no commitment, but do not treat them like a prostitute.

Can you tell I don't agree with those 3am calls? Well, I'm not there, they are low and fall into a lack of respect, especially if you see that that person is not up to those tricks.

There's no respect.

Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜

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