A yellow flower on the road / Nature [ESP][ENG]


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Una flor amarilla en el camino / Naturaleza

Hola Hola

Estaba ayudando a un amigo a prender su carro, y donde estaba me encontré con esta flor amarilla.

Flor muy popular, existe en muchos sitios de nuestra ciudad, en cualquier casa te consigues esta. La cual me recuerda a mi infancia.

Cuando mi abuela tenia su casa, se molestaba porque le quitabamos las flores a sus matas, sean estas amarillas o las isoras, teniamos la mania de chupar el líquido que salia de la isora, de las amarillas le quitabamos una parte que nos poniamos en la nariz.

Luego de un tiempo le fui dando mas respeto a la naturaleza, sobretodo cuando entendí que las plantas nos dan oxígeno y refrescan el ambiente. Donde hay plantas, hay fresco.

Al principio no las habia visto, estaba distraída con lo que estaba haciendo, además que estaban detrás de mí. Cuando volteo es que las veo.

Estaban entre unas patas rojas, que decoran una jardinera, solas, sin mas ninguna parecia al lado. Me llamó la atención que estaba llamandome.

Sentía que me llamaba porque voltee justo a verla, en eso fui a buscar mi teléfono y hacer estas fotos. Las flores se quedaron quietas y posaron para mi lente.

Creo que fue lo mas bonito de mi tarde, lo mas bonito de mi dia, fue que a mi papá le dieron de alta.


A yellow flower on the road / Nature

Hello hello

I was helping a friend start his car, and where I was I found this yellow flower.

Very popular flower, it exists in many places in our city, you can get this in any home. Which reminds me of my childhood.

When my grandmother had her house, she got upset because we took the flowers from her bushes, whether they were yellow or the isora ​​ones, we had the habit of sucking the liquid that came out of the isora, from the yellow ones we took a part that we put in the nose.

After a while I began to give more respect to nature, especially when I understood that plants give us oxygen and refresh the environment. Where there are plants, there is freshness.

At first I hadn't seen them, I was distracted with what I was doing, plus they were behind me. When I turn around I see them.

They were between some red legs, which decorate a flowerbed, alone, without further ado, no one appeared next to them. It caught my attention that he was calling me.

I felt like she was calling me because I turned around to see her, that's when I went to look for my phone and take these photos. The flowers stood still and posed for my lens.

I think it was the most beautiful thing about my afternoon, the most beautiful thing about my day, was that my dad was discharged.

Soy Ana Fuentes💜💜

-Fotos Redmi Note 9S

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