Pick Your Own Path!


You know what's wild? We're all on this turning rock, floating through space, and we somehow get to choose what it all means. How cool is that?

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about this whole "philosophy of life" thing, and it is kind of mind-blowing.

You may believe in whatever you want.

It's like an all-you-can-eat buffet of ideas, and you get to pick what goes on your plate. Some go for the whole "love everyone" thing, others are all about finding inner peace, and some want to collect as many Pokemon as possible.

Hey, I'm not judging here!


My little recipe for life is pretty simple: try not to be a jerk, laugh as much as possible, and always take the opportunity to pet dogs. You don't have to agree at all, though!

That's the beauty of it.


Isn't all this just one hell of a ride in free will? If you would like to believe in God, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or the power of really good coffee that's just totally up to you. It's like we are in this huge video game of life and we each get to pick our character and storyline.

Now, I know some people get all up in arms about religion and philosophy, but I say, live and let live. Do you want to meditate for hours? Go for it. Prefer to spend your Sundays watching football? That's cool too. The important thing is you're doing what feels right for you.

It's kind of wild when you think about it: billions of people on this planet, and just about every single one of them can come up with their very own ideas of what life means. Sure, there are some basic rules we probably should follow. Things like don't steal your neighbor's Wi-Fi password, but other than that, fair game.

I've got friends into everything, it seems: one buddy of mine is all about stoicism. He's like some Jedi master regarding not letting things bother him. Another one's super into the idea of their version of trying to always put good vibes out into the world. As for me, well, I'm still figuring it out, but I kinda think that's part of the fun.

The way it seems to me, life's too short to fuss about having all the answers. Maybe our point is to simply enjoy the ride, be kind to people along the way, and not take ourselves that seriously. I mean, for, after all, we are nothing but "talking monkeys" on a bio-spaceship, how ridiculous does that get?


Whatever you believe, whatever path you choose, remember: You're the author of your own story. Make it a good one, make it weird, make it uniquely you. And if you change your mind halfway through?

That's cool too. We're all just winging it, anyway.

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