My Hustle; The Recurring Expenses I can't Do Without


Hello everyone, a happy new year to you i hope you are doing well today and your day is also going well.

As a writer, business owner, and musician, managing recurring expenses is crucial for sustaining my ventures. Let me analyze the important costs I cannot do without in each aspect of my multifaceted career.

** Writing Expenses:**
For the writing part, investing in professional editing services is paramount. Good editing ensures my written work is polished and error-free, enhancing its marketability. Subscription costs for writing software, research materials, and also trusted internet assistance are other recurring expenses.

Business Expenses:
As a seller of oil perfumes, my product expenditures are a considerable recurring expense. Regularly restocking prevalent scents and introducing new products needs thorough budgeting. Marketing expenditures, including online and offline promotion, branding materials, and a secure e-commerce medium, are essential for attracting and maintaining buyers.

Musician Expenses:
For my music endeavors, studio time and production expenses are recurring essentials because I do it every day. Maintaining and upgrading the musical equipment ensures high-quality recordings and performances. Allocation fees for online music platforms and promotion plans, such as social media publicity, contribute to the formation and engagement of my audience.

Overhead Costs:
Irrespective of the aspect of my career, general overhead expenses are unavoidable. This comprises rent for my apartment, and utilities, insurance. These overhead expenditures are the backbone of my operations, supplying a conducive environment for creativity, business transactions, and music production.

Technology and Software:
Investing in up-to-date technology and software is key across all that I'm doing as a writer business person and musician. For writing, this makes up word processing software and digital tools. As a business owner, a dependable point-of-sale technique and stock management software streamline functions. I pay for the rehearsals I do in the music studio

Marketing and Promotion:
To maintain visibility and attract customers, allocating funds for marketing and promotion is essential. This involves creating and maintaining a professional website and engaging in social media marketing.

Steady Learning and Skill Development:
Remaining relevant and growing in my respective areas needs ongoing learning. Budgeting for workshops, classes, and seminars in writing, business, and music qualifies me to sharpen my skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends. Constant learning is an asset in my individual and experienced development.

Contingency Fund:
Integrating an emergency fund into any budget is a wise practice. Unexpected expenses or downturns in any of the ventures mentioned above can be mitigated with a financial cushion, providing stability during challenging times.

All of these are those expenses that I cannot do without to ensure the smooth running of my endeavors.
There are times I would want to skip one of them but since my life has been programmed to be the way I have written, I cannot help but to allocate those funds to the respective items.

I want to do very well in all of the areas, so I spent a lot of money making sure that I achieved what I was set to achieve.
