Deeds In Childhood Guilt In Adulthood

I remember vividly those times of youthful energy when I indulged in seemingly ignorant acts, unaware of the effects that would remain far beyond childhood. As I contemplate upon those days, five childish things stand out, each carrying a weight of guilt that I never expected.
Firstly, there's the relentless quest for instant gratification In my youthful years, tolerance was a virtue I hadn't perfectly got. The hasty decisions made in the pursuit of quick satisfaction left a course of guilt. Whether it was consuming a mountain of sweets in one sitting or impulsively spending my meager allowance on fleeting enjoyments, the effects were unavoidable. As I navigate maturity, the echoes of those hasty options serve as a stark reminder of the significance of modesty and precognition.

Another grievous aspect was the heedless unconcern for consequences in the quest for thrill and mischief. Climbing forbidden trees or sneaking into deserted buildings may have stimulated adrenaline-fueled laughter at the moment, but the repercussions weren't as quick. Smashed bones, reprimands, and strained relationships with authority figures occurred, disclosing that the pursuit of a momentary thrill often leads to enduring consequences.

Then comes the neglect of duties, a habit formed in the carefree days of childhood. Procrastination was my steady lifestyle, and the fallout became obvious as deadlines were imminent bigger in the adult world. Incomplete tasks and ignored responsibilities taught me the hard lesson that responsibilities delayed do not vanish but accumulate, casting a cloud over future ambitions.

The fourth remorse is tethered to the fleeting disposition of friendships. Childhood friendships were developed in the crucible of shared curiosities and closeness, but as time expired, maintaining that rapport became a challenge. Ignoring to invest time and effort in facilitating these associations left me with a sense of loss and a realization that genuine relationships need constant effort. The memories of those bonds serve as a bittersweet reminder to prioritize important relationships in the present.

Finally, the tendency for comparison and the pursuit of societal guarantees cast a grievous shadow. In the relentless pursuit of societal anticipations, I often compromised my genuineness for unity. The longing to fit into predetermined molds led to moments of self-doubt and insecurity. Adopting originality became a lesson learned through hindsight, with the understanding that seeking confirmation from external sources can be a perilous way, often leading to a hollow sense of achievement.

In conclusion, the childish actions that arouse guilt are threaded with lessons that exceed the borders of age. The sudden quest for instant gratification, the thrill-seeking devoid of outcomes, the negligence of duties, the oversight of cherished friendships, and the difficult pursuit of societal verification all contribute to a tapestry of lessons learned through retrospection.

While I can't wipe off the imprints of my immature self, I can step ahead with the wisdom obtained from these regrets, understanding that they are not anchors but stepping stones toward a more competent and intentional adulthood.
These lessons would be taught to other youths to help them avoid these mistakes.


As kids, no one has interest in doing house chores. It was all about playing, eating and running around 😅😅. Except when Mama is around.

But now as adults, we've outgrown all the childish behaviors and now, we see the importance of all the advice and warnings given to us back then.

Thanks for taking part in the contest.
