Grateful Heart for everything in which is happening in our Lifes. There are many reasons for us all to continue to be thankful for everything in which we have gotten. Epiphany Sunday is a Sunday in which our Lord Jesus Christ was shown to the wise men from the East who came and worshipped him.
The king was born but herod had no good intentions about him we shouldn't be him in any situation and all herod should be avoided. Our Lord Jesus Christ was born but herod had no good intentions about the new born king but evil desires towards him. Like herod we should not be herod in any situation in our Lives and people lives and when we sense one we should always avoid them in one way or the very other.
All nations shall fall prostrate before you oh Lord. Like the psalmist we join in proclamation that all those in the tge nation shall praise you holy name always and there praise shall continually be in our tongues.
Arise and shine always in the Light wherever you find yourself in Life. Light is also a bright one that differennciate from darkness we should always arise and shine and be the light in places in which we find ourselves.
Gifting is always good and should be done, like the three wise visited the good Lord and gave him gifts Frankinse, Gold and Myrrh which means the priesthood, kingship and that his body will not decay .
We are Thankful always for the surroundings of great things around us all.
Thanking the good Lord .
Thank you Jesus for Journey Mercies in which you granted everyone and we Hope all for the Best 🙏.
Epiphany sunday is here and we are always grateful for everything
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We keep hoping for the Best
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