RE: Alternative Weekend: Nothing Remotely Normal
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Good to hear from you again, especially regarding music!
It does mean that whenever I have music on headphones, then it is on full blast.
I once got told to turn the volume down on a train, I was wearing headphone at the time. You are not the only one 😀
The Gathering however sounds much more up my street, and I'll be adding it to the ever increasing list of bands to check out further!
Mandylion especially is the one you should look at. They mellowed later although the theme of doom metal is still apparent. There are some similarities with the doom phase of Anathema, that I noticed.
I'm still here, plodding away. I mostly just run now... but there's odd posts here and there about different stuff. I will try to write about some music...('try' being the operative word here!)
Ha! Yep! I often get stares on the bus... sometime I get self-conscious and turn it down, other times I ignore them, I don't wanna hear kids screaming, people shouting (or the weird guy who keeps trying to talk to everyone...)
Noted! I'll go give that one a go :-) Anathema is another name I see thrown about frequently, I'll come back to that one too.
In the spirit of sharing, check out the below from ARD (bandcamp)
Doom, played very slowly, some quiet soft bits, some very loud bits... but most importantly for you it features only clean vocals (almost bordering on Gregorian Chants at times...)
I watched both 'Lost Kingdoms' and 'Vikings' series last year. This tune would fit either of them during contemplative sections very well, esp. with the recital of Cuthbert that starts during the middle. They should look to bands such as this for some atmosphere.
If it's Anathema, then it has to be this, esp. the latter part. Hope you already know this one.