WOO - Top Dolla's WrestleMania Dream: A Comeback Story
Greetings to everyone and as always welcome back to Wrestling Organization Online, WOO.
I came across this fascinating write up about Top Dolla, a former WWE star. Although he had been released last year, he has recently hinted at coming back for WrestleMania.
Here’s the scoop: He was with WWE and they fired him. But he wouldn’t quit. In other wrestling promotions like TNA Wrestling, he visited them.
He also spoke of blowing a dive during SmackDown. It happened in December 2022. He said it basically saved his life somehow.
That bout comes back to me when I see that dive missed and felt so sorry for him. However, in perspective, now that I know it might have actually saved his life, it is all different right?
Following that scary moment I am glad that he is okay
At any rate, Top Dolla still wants to return to WWE despite the hard times he had there. In his words, he wants to walk out in WrestleMania which will be a big dream but I think it is possible.
2021 saw the exit of Top Dolla from WWE and then his subsequent returned in 2022. But not for long.
Then he got released again in September 2022. It must have been hard for him, but he didn’t stop trying.
And it takes courage for him to admit what went wrong and what he wanted to do with his life too.
This indicates that he does not hesitate to speak the truth and that he has made up his mind to succeed.
If Top Dolla does make it to WrestleMania, it would be a big moment for him. It’s like the Super Bowl of wrestling. In this competition there are all the best wrestlers and millions of people watch it.
I am hoping that by the end Top Dolla succeeds in his story. This would be inspiring to witness his return back into life and fulfill his desire of featuring at Wrestlemainia. Anyway even if he doesn’t I will always believe that he is a good wrestler and I will cheer for him
In conclusion, Top Dolla's journey from WWE to TNA Wrestling and now his dream of returning to WrestleMania is inspiring.
He has experienced setbacks, yet he hasn’t given up. Wrestlemainia destiny may have been accomplished by top dollar if he never loses hope and uses his skills well enough I am sure everyone who loves wrestling including me will rout for him every other step
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