The True Disciples Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.
We are His disciples if we do what He commands us. We are not His disciples if we are not doing what He commands us. If we neglect His commandments then we are not His disciples. But when we follow His commandments and do what is His will we will be His disciples. His disciples are those who obey his commandments.
It is the doctrines of Jesus Christ that make his disciples. Whatever a man follows determines whose disciple he is. Those who obey the doctrines of Jesus Christ are the disciples of Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ said that it is not everyone that refers to him as Lord that will be qualified to enter His kingdom. It is only those who obey his commandments that will be qualified to be his own at the end.
Our obedience to Him is the proof that we are His own. Let us keep His doctrines. Let us receive His commandments and obey them. When we are obedient to God then we are His disciples.
Obedience to God's commandments is the true mark of a disciple of Christ. Following His doctrines proves our faith and commitment. Let us remain steadfast in obeying His will always.
Thank you @sisjane
Doing the will of God is what differentiates us from other people because by doing so we are identified as disciples of Christ.