How To Overcome Addiction. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

The problem of addiction comes from our fleshly desires and worldly pleasures. The pleasures of our flesh makes us to get addicted to these substances which are harmful to the body.

The craving for the pleasures of this world cause people to become addicted. When the desires of the flesh is not trimmed such a person will become addicted to dangerous substances. The pleasures of the world is what we should be mindful of. We should not allow ourselves to become addicted.

The human body is a body that likes adaptation. The adaptative nature makes us to become addicted to whatever we get use to overtime. To avoid getting addicted to the wrong substances, one must avoid taking those substances. Dissociating oneself from those kinds of substances and avoiding friends that lead one into such life can also be helpful.

The Holy Spirit is the only one who has the power to transform lives. We should surrender our lives to Him. When we accept the doctrines of Jesus Christ, and begin to obey the commandments of God, the power of the Holy Spirit will regenerate our lives and give us a change of heart.
