Forgiveness Of Sin. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.
The Bible teaches us to forgive those who sin against us. We are to obey this doctrine of the church. Without forgiving others, we ourselves will not be forgiven by God. Jesus Christ taught us that if we don't forgive others, our heavenly Father won't forgive us. When we forgive others, our Father also forgives us our sins.
Without forgiving others, our prayers won't be answered. We should understand that God does not want us to keep offenses against others. We should sacrifice everything to live at peace with all men. Jesus Christ said that if we are going to the altar to offer our sacrifice and then we remember that our brother has committed an offense against us, we should go and settle with that person before we come back to complete our sacrifice.
We are to forgive everyone; everytime they offend us. Peter asked the Master how many times He should forgive those who offend him. In response Jesus said we should forgive 70×7 times. That is about 490 times. It looks impossible that someone will offend one person that number of times. So, what Jesus Christ was saying in essence was that we should forgive without any reservations.
We should watch ourselves so that we do not commit the sins which the Bible says are spiritual sins. We should not sin willfully. We should not not commit immortal sins. We should be watchful and not fall into sins which cannot be forgiven.