Doing Good To All Men. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.
The world that we are living in is a world full of selfishness. Men are only interested in their own selves. They care little or nothing about the well being of others. Everyone has been made to believe that whatever they have belongs to them. There is just no hope for the hopeless in the world. The darkness of selfishness and hatred is dominant in the world.
The Bible says that we are the light of the world and the salt of the earth. We are to illuminate the world with true love. We are to enlighten the world. We are to give hope to the hopeless. We are to put smiles on faces who are crying. We are to bring peace to a hurting world. We are those who can make the world a better place.
It will be disobedience on our side if we disregard the instructions of God and refuse to do good to men. We have a commandment from God to do good to all men. Our goodness should not only stop with the brethren in the church. We should give hope and love to everyone in the world.