More people need help when they are helpless but recognizing the help you need before you get to a level of helplessness is Wisdom.
Having taken time to study this generation, I have come to realize that almost 55% are familiar with the slang- NO JOY!

In my environment, you meet a young folk and the next thing you will hear from him/her is "No Joy".

If you have money, you may think that is what they want, then you give the money back, but the higher they will get from the money is happiness n, of joy.
The next day if you meet them and ask again- how are you doing?
The reply will be the same as it was- No Joy!
Because your money did not offer the joy they need, it was what just happened to them, making them feel happy at the moment.

Most young folk have been carrying this tag around, they are weak, powerless and unfulfilled in life.
Because Joy is the source of strength to those who have it.
Joy can't be purchased in the market because no company have ever succeeded in manufacturing it.
Joy beautifies the Carrier; it puts those without in amazement.
Joy is not the absence of lack, sorrow, suffering, war, and hardship but the bubbling passion that burns in a man's heart to keep him/her moving in the midst of those things and stand tall without sinking in the circumstances.

This is what the Bible say about joy:

Neh.8.10 - Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our Lord: neither be ye sorry; FOR THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH.

Joy is not in eating; joy is not in merriment because some merry with sorrow in the heart.

Rom.14.17 - For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost.

This thing, as good as it can be to your body, can not give a man the inner strength he/she needs to sustain when life is otherwise.
A man is strong, healthy and powerful when he gets the Joy from the Lord.
He lives for the fact that he is saved and has what can sustain him until he fulfils his/her assignment on earth.

Ps.51.12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me. (KJV)

Nowadays, most people remember to go to church(Physical building for fellowship) when they are broke, they look for the family called "church" when circumstances beyond their power hit them.
Not many billionaires go to church(the physical building and place of worship), but you will see many who have gone from riches to poverty going there.
Although one of the missions of the church was and is to make broken people into strong people, it should be made clear that the church is not a dumping place for what is broken.
Also, it's not a place where the wealthy look down on others but instead, empower others to become the best of their version.

My emphasis to both parties is that-

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;
While the sun, or the light, or the moon, or the stars, be not darkened, nor the clouds return after the rain:(Eccl. 12.1-2)
When we talk about "youthfulness" we are talking about "the days of strength". But there is always a season where your strength fails. These seasons are the days when one may not have the joy of doing anything again.

I met a young folk sometime ago who also wore this tag and I thought to myself- I will remove this tag, not knowing that nobody can ever remove that tag except one:
When I called him to the case, I witnessed him remove the tag from the young folk with ease.
Guess his name?
His name is JESUS CHRIST- Only Jesus can restore to a man the joy that such a person needs; only Jesus can remove the tag of "No Joy".
If the Bible let us know that the Joy of the Lord is strength: that means that one is weak without the Joy of the Lord.
Would you prefer to be weak or strong?
I believe you need this strength to survive, I believe you are tired of wearing that tag around "No Joy".
The Holy Ghost is Jesus, Jesus is the Holy Ghost.
When you receive Jesus, you receive the Holy Ghost, only then can your joy be full.

Our choices today can either secure a joyful tomorrow or a sorrowful one.
Make the right choice!

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


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