

Yesterday, I intentionally walked 4 kilometers to visit one of my sisters as I returned, I realized that I was sweating, and then I understood that I was not only walking but working as well -that was exercise.

Every Exercise is a structure used in working on the body- if it doesn't have any positive impact on the body, then it can't be classified to be an exercise.
Every action taken in the name of exercise ought to be profitable to the body.

Leg swing is one of the exercises I discovered that as simple as it is, has great benefits when it comes to the matter of fitness improvement.

When we look at our body, we will agree with me that our legs are part of our body that is so unique and have inspired inventors to invent all movable machines that move on land such as bicycles, motorcycles, cars, tricycles, etc.
The purpose of these movable machines was and is to assist the legs, and as good and helpful as these machines can be to the legs, they can be of disadvantage if we stop using our legs for what it was made for.
The leg was made for moving and staying with the legs without fulfilling the purpose for which they were made can be harmful to the body- it can affect one fitness(physical health).

Thus, anything that affects one fitness affects one's wealth because one must be physically health to create and enjoy wealth.
A man with wealth that can't enjoy his wealth is just as poor as a man without wealth.

Today being Friday, I always marked it as sports day for our students here in the school where I work, and I am always excited to see to it that our students are being taught to improve their fitness as they do different exercises. I always thought to myself, if these students have this habit and grow with it, they will secure a strong and wealthy future for themselves.

If you found other exercises too much for you- why not try leg swing?
✓It starts this way:

  1. Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart and hold onto a wall.
  2. Keeping one leg stationary, slowly swing the opposite leg forward and backward in a single smooth movement.
  3. Switch sides and repeat until that is complete.
    Keep your head and your upper body stable, and maintain a steady and deep breathing pattern. Actively use your muscles to swing the legs.

As simple as you may think here are its benefits for you who may want to try out:

“Leg swings create a pumping mechanism, helping move fluid in and out of your joints while stimulating blood flow in the surrounding tissue to improve not just the flexibility of the joint capsule, but also of the tissue that you're going to be using for performance—whether that's running, walking, or going up and down ".

No one will exercise for you; it is what we must all try and learn to practice until it becomes part of our lifestyle.
Your fitness is very crucial and you must not play about it for any reason.

@Fcfitness, thank you for creating a serene environment for fitness improvement.
It #FcfitnessFridays
