Two preventive health tips (Engl / Spn)


Greetings to all, wishing you health, joy and prosperity. Today I want to share with you two simple health tips, that I have personally tested and have proven true, well, at least one of them I am sure is true.

Saludos a todos, deseándoles salud, alegría y prosperidad. Hoy quiero compartirles dos sencillos tips de salud, que yo personalmente he comprobado y han resultado ciertos, bueno, al menos uno de ellos tengo la certeza de que así es.

After the pandemic, many publications and videos related to health have emerged on social networks, I suppose it is a residual (positive) effect of such a difficult stage. Of course, there are posts that offer true and coherent information, while others only offer meaningless data, or tend to generalize health tips, which is a serious mistake. I do not want to engage in this practice, since I have no training in the health area, and I know well that each person has their own particular characteristics and conditions.

Luego de la pandemia, han surgido en las redes sociales muchas publicaciones y videos relativos a la salud, supongo que es un efecto residual (positivo) de tan difícil etapa. Claro, hay posts que ofrecen información cierta y coherente, mientras que otros sólo ofrecen datos sin sentido, o tienden a generalizar tips de salud, lo cual es un grave error. Yo no quiero incurrir en esa práctica, pues no tengo formación en el área de salud, y sé bien que cada persona tiene sus propias características y condiciones particulares.

Notwithstanding the above, I want to share my experience consuming two medications that are over the counter in my country, Venezuela, that have worked for me, and these are aspirin and folic acid. I have been consuming them daily for almost 6 months now and I can attest to their results, one of them being more notable, the other being more difficult to verify.

No obstante lo anterior, quiero compartir mi experiencia consumiendo dos medicamentos que son de venta libre en mi país, Venezuela, que me han dado resultado, y estos son la aspirina y el ácido fólico. Ya tengo casi 6 meses consumiéndolos a diario y puedo dar fe de sus resultados, siendo más notables uno de ellos, el otro es más difícil de comprobar.

First I will talk about aspirin, a substance that has been frowned upon in certain periods, but due to its effectiveness it has remained on the market. And aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, has a long history, since it could be said that it is a natural medicine, since it is obtained from a plant, (like almost all allopathic medicines in the world), specifically from the white willow or Salix alba, beautiful tree that unfortunately does not grow in this area.

Primero hablaré de la aspirina, una sustancia que ha sido en ciertos períodos mal vista, pero que debido a su eficacia se ha mantenido en el mercado. Y es que la aspirina o ácido acetilsalicílico, tiene larga historia, pues podría decirse que es una medicina natural, ya que se obtiene de una planta, (como casi todos los medicamentos alopáticos del mundo), específicamente del sauce blanco o Salix alba, hermoso árbol que lamentablemente no crece en esta zona.

Since I don't have a white willow tree from which to remove its bark and make teas with it, I take an aspirin daily as a preventative or prophylactic measure. And aspirin acts at a metabolic level, preventing plaques, clots or atheromas from forming in veins and arteries, significantly reducing the possibility of strokes or heart attacks, which can be very serious or fatal. Taking into account that after the pandemic, the frequency of these strokes increased in many places, perhaps as a result of the virus or as a side effect of some vaccines, it is better to be safe than sorry, which is why every morning, I take one of these pills, which are even pretty, heart-shaped, to reduce the probability that I may suffer an event of this nature. Each pill is 81 milligrams and these come with a coating that protects the stomach.

Ya que no tengo un árbol de sauce blanco, al cual retirarle su corteza y hacer tés con ella, me tomo una aspirina diaria a modo de prevención o profilaxis. Y es que la aspirina actúa a nivel metabólico, impidiendo que se formen placas, coágulos o ateromas en venas y arterias, reduciendo significativamente la posibilidad de que ocurra accidentes cerebro vasculares o también infartos, que pueden ser muy graves o mortales. Tomando en cuenta que luego de la pandemia, se incrementó en muchas partes la frecuencia de estos accidentes cerebro vasculares, quizás a consecuencia del virus aquel o como efecto secundario de algunas vacunas, es mejor prevenir que lamentar, por lo que cada mañana, me tomo una pastilla de éstas, que son hasta bonitas, con forma de corazón, para reducir la probabilidad de que pueda sufrir un evento de esta naturaleza. Cada pastilla es de 81 miligramos y éstas vienen con recubierta que protege el estómago.

Since I have been taking aspirin, I can say that the venous circulation in my lower extremities is more fluid and I experience less pain in my legs, since I spend a lot of time sitting, so I can say that yes, I perceive the positive effect on my health, although in a discreet way. If you are going to take aspirin, as I do, you need to consult your doctor first.

Desde que estoy tomando aspirina, puedo decir que la circulación venosa en mis extremidades inferiores, es más fluida y experimento menos dolores en mis piernas, pues paso mucho tiempo sentada, así que puedo decir que sí, percibo el efecto positivo en mi salud, aunque de una forma discreta. Si vas a consumir aspirina, así como yo lo hago, es necesario que consultes antes a tu médico.

The other medication that I am taking daily is folic acid, a group B vitamin. In Venezuela it is very common, or at least decades ago it was, that this vitamin was recommended during the gestation period, as it is an essential vitamin for the formation of the nervous system of fetuses, and its consumption during pregnancy significantly reduces the possibility of the baby being born with spina bifida, a malformation that can be very serious and disabling for the baby.

El otro medicamento que estoy tomando a diario, es el ácido fólico, una vitamina del grupo B. En Venezuela es muy común, o al menos décadas atrás lo era, que esta vitamina se recomendara durante el período de gestación, pues es una vitamina indispensable para la formación del sistema nervioso de los fetos, y su consumo durante el embarazo reduce notablemente la posibilidad de que el bebé nazca con espina bífida, una malformación que puede resultar muy grave e incapacitante para el bebé.

I take a daily pill of 10 milligrams of folic acid, and I do this for two reasons: The first, because it also significantly strengthens the immune system, preventing us from getting sick, and in my case this is very valuable, because I tend to get colds frequently, but since I have been consuming folic acid, and even though the rainy season has already occurred, I have not had the flu or colds, which for me is a blessing, because when I have the flu I feel terrible and the illness lasts for many days; but this year 2024 I have not had any flu or cold. The second reason is that folic acid helps strengthen hair, and even promotes its birth and growth. For me it is also important, since one of the consequences of COVID is losing hair in droves, and folic acid has reduced partly this unpleasant consequence.

Yo tomo una píldora diaria de ácido fólico de 10 miligramos, y esto lo hago por dos motivos: El primero, porque también fortalece notablemente el sistema inmunológico, impidiendo que nos enfermemos, y en mi caso esto es muy valioso, porque suelo resfriarme con frecuencia, pero desde que estoy consumiendo ácido fólico, y aun cuando la temporada de lluvia ya ocurrió, no he tenido ni gripes ni resfriados, lo cual para mí es una bendición, porque cuando tengo gripe me siento fatal y la enfermedad me dura muchos días; pero este año 2024 no he tenido ninguna gripe o resfriado. El segundo motivo, es que el ácido fólico ayuda a fortalecer el cabello, e incluso promueve su nacimiento y crecimiento, para mí también es importante, ya que una de las consecuencias del COVID es perder el cabello por montones, y el ácido fólico ha reducido en parte esta desagradable consecuencia.

As with aspirin, if you decide to consume folic acid, I recommend that you consult with your doctor first. In any case, for me these medications have been very beneficial, and I believe that sharing this experience is a way of endorsing the information regarding the benefits that both offer.

Al igual que con la aspirina, en caso de que te animes a consumir ácido fólico, te recomiendo consultes primero con tu médico. En todo caso, para mí estos medicamentos han sido muy beneficiosos, y creo que compartir esta experiencia, es una forma de refrendar la información relativa a los beneficios que ambos ofrecen.

Here I end my post today, in which I wanted to share two preventive health tips, which may be useful for many of you. Greetings to all, happy Sunday, and remember: Not all days are the same and more importantly: Everything you give, everything you do, will inexorably return to you. Hugs!

Aquí finalizo mi post de hoy, en el cual quise compartir dos tips de salud preventiva, que puede ser útil para muchos de ustedes. Saludos a todos, feliz domingo, y recuerden: No todos los días son iguales y más importante aún: Todo lo que das, todo lo que haces, inexorablemente volverá a ti. ¡Abrazos!

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Thank you for sharing these health tips @sirenahippie!
I'm definitely buying Folic Acid as I find my hair is thinning. I've been using a root activating shampoo and it's stopped hair loss, but it makes sense that one needs to take something internally.
You are so right about the health benefits of Aspirin.
My late husband was a diabetic from the age of 8, meaning years of fluctuating glucose levels which played havoc with his arteries. He had a triple bypass in 2002 at the age of 52, started taking 80mg Aspirin daily.
His diabetic specialist later on told him that everyone should take it as it has another benefit in preventing certain cancers.
I'm allergic to Aspirin though, so cannot take it😒
Besides the cardiovascular problem, which could not be avoided due to the diabetes, hubby was in very good health, he played football till in his 40s. He took Aspirin every day after that bypass. Sadly the ravages of glucose fluctuations caused the arteries to weaken further, but he lived to 73. The cardiologist said it was a miracle that the triple bypass was still OK after 21 years. The problem arose with another artery💔
I'm sure the Aspirin played a big role in keeping him well for so long❤️
Have a great Sunday @sirenahippie


Hello dear @lizelle, thank you very much for your nice comment. Certainly diabetes is a terrible disease, part of my family has had it, and yes, it is a debilitating pathology, and difficult to cope with, although in recent years, we have resorted to consuming stevia, that is, the plant, naturally, because the processed sweetener loses its effectiveness in reducing blood glucose and restoring pancreatic cells.

It is good to know firsthand that aspirin is effective, and yes, both my husband and I will continue to take it daily, since it is important to prevent, especially in a country like mine, whose health system is destroyed.

Folic acid will help you so that your hair falls out less, but the best thing is that your defenses, your immune system, will be armored.

Hugs, happy Sunday!


Folic acid is a very good supplement, I use to work at a pharmacy and I learnt alot about it


That's good, it is important for you to take it daily, so your baby will be born healthy and strong. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. Greetings!


Amiga , justamente hace unos días pensaba en la cantidad de personas que han sufrido infartos y derrames cerebrales , incluso en personas todavía jóvenes .
Se comenta tanto de ello, posiblemente si es una consecuencia de las vacunas.
Ciertamente la aspirina existe desde hace años y aunque tiene competencia con otros fármacos se considera segura y vigente , fíjate que no conocía de donde provenía me enteré gracias a tu artículo . Recuerdo que mi papá la tomaba siempre para evitar la coagulación de la sangre.
Y el ácido fólico me vendría muy bien porque tengo una caída de cabello fuerte. Muchas gracias por compartir esta información. Me ha sido muy útil ♥️
