The Wall [2017]
Hello friends, I'm here with interesting movie title The Wall and I would like to share you with here.
The movie is about Sergeants Shane Matthews and Allen Issac investigate a site in the desert of Iraq during a war. However, a sniper traps them and they are forced to take cover behind a precarious wall.
It begins At the close of the Iraq War, U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Shane Matthews, a sniper, along with his spotter.
Sergeant, Allen Isaac, is sent to investigate a pipeline construction site in the Iraqi desert where contractors and their security detail have all fallen victim to a sniper.
The pair patiently wait 22 hours on overwatch before determining that the site is clear.
Matthews proceeds to investigate the site, but is shot by a famed Iraqi sniper nicknamed “Juba.”
Meanwhile, Isaac tries to rescue the dying Matthews, but he is also wounded in the right knee and has his radio damaged, and his water bottle destroyed in the process.
Alone, Isaac takes cover behind an unsteady wall and tends to his wounds.
The sniper has a radio tuned into the American channel, and uses it to communicate with Isaac, initially under the pretense of being a high rank allied soldier at another site.
The deception allows the sniper to get other useful information from Isaac.
Throughout their various one-sided attempts at conversation, we learn that the sniper does not claim to be the mythical Juba mentioned earlier in the film.
A false name for various Iraqi Insurgent snipers notorious for filming their attacks on American soldiers.
Furthermore, Matthews regains consciousness and subtly gets Isaac's attention that he is still alive.
Matthews slowly crawls towards his rifle in the midst of the dusty wind along with Isaac, distracting Juba with small talk.
Meanwhile, Matthews believes that the sniper is hiding at the top of some rubble nearby and fires in that direction. The dusty wind settles quickly.
The sniper sees Matthews and fires, injuring Matthews in the left shoulder as he crawled towards the wall, but a second shot kills him.
Furthermore, Isaac's attempts to call headquarters for help are stymied by the loss of his radio antennae.
He attempts to repair this item with one from a dead contractor's radio, only to discern that the sniper had used the earlier response team as a ruse to call for help to lure another response force into his jaws.
Isaac hears the rescue helicopters coming, so he pushes down the wall and uses Matthews' rifle to try to kill Juba, or at least flush him out, so the rescue chopper can see the trap.
Juba fires at Isaac twice and misses. Isaac now has the sniper's location and fires his only round.
Find out what happened next as Isaac now has the sniper's location and fires his only round as it gets more interesting.
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