The shy white egret who doesn't love my camera. 😊


Hello hivers, an happy Thursday to you all!
I just spent an hours with the little twins (the sons of the cousin of my hubby) to help their parents while they were busy in a office and it was a very sweet hour full of little smiles. Their parents are really tired because the little ones don't sleep so much in the night and the grand parents of the little ones (who are around 75-80 years old) live far from them, so it's a pleasure for me to help them when they are in need. To be honest, I love to stay with the little ones even if for just few time, because while I'm there I feel myself full of positive vibes. ❤️

Today I want to share with you some pics I took of a white egret this morning while I was going to the little twins (the family lives enough close to us so I can go there just by my feet).


You have to know it was not simple to take a pic of this white egret, because usually it's a very shy animal and when I take my camera in my hands, the egret fly away very fast (saying something bad against me using its own language 😉 ).


When I go outside I have always my camera with me because I like to take pictures of everything captures my eyes and it's a way to fiz some shades of colors, some nice corners or birds that can be sources of inspiration for my artwork.
This morning it was really cold and the egret was busy to find some little fishes to eat, so I could take some pics of it, just for few seconds before it watched me . 😁





Now I have to come back to my brushes and colors, see ya soon and stay safe,

***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
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You can find it in different countries, you have just to search "silvia beneforti portfolio" on Amazon. ^^
^ ****


I know how shy those egrets can be. I see them sometimes when out running, but they usually fly away before I get my phone out. I need my camera with the decent lens to catch them from further away.

Have fun with the kids. My kids seem in no rush to have their own little ones, but I know my mum would love a great-grandchild.


Having fun with those 2 little ones is a sort of training for me, so I will be ready when my daughter will decide to have a baby (like your kids, she seems in no rush to have her own little one). :P
