Between the clouds (oil on paper)
Hello hivers, an happy Monday to you all!
I hope you start your new working week in a comfortable way.
After a weekend spent to visit 2 different art exhibitions (the one I shared with you yesterday and another one I'll shere with you soon) I feel myself full of positive energy and inspiration.
I love to visit the art exhibitions and the art museums, it's a way to think about what I'm doing, to improve my skills and my imagination and to open my mind to different tecniques or styles or a way to watch a world in a different way from my usual. 😊
This morning I woke up soon to work on a new artwork during the first, silent hours of the day and, after a good cup of coffee in front of the open window (there is a pale Sun on the sky) I took my brushes and colors to work. You can see the final result of my piece for today in the following pics:
As you can see, the subject is an human figure between white clouds.
It's an oil painting on 200 gsm paper in A4 size and, like I use to do for you, I took some pics while I was painting this artwork so you can see the process too:
Soon I'll add this new artwork to my Artfinder shop (link at the bottom)!
I hope you like it!
See ya soon and stay safe,
***If you like my artworks, you can find them on my online shops on
Artfinder (, on Etsy ( and on my Patreon page too ( If you are interested about my artworks, you can buy my catalogue here:
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Italy (
Uk (
You can find it in different countries, you have just to search "silvia beneforti portfolio" on Amazon. ^^
^^ ****
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So adorable!
Thanks, dear @mandragora88 ❤️