Bees time. 🐝🐝🐝

Hello hivers, an happy Friday to you all!
It's a sunny warm day here an the weekend is just around the corner. The branches of my plum tree are full of white flowers and their sweet scent makes me feel in a Springtime day.
Since a couple of days a lot of bees are working hard around those flowers and it's interesting to watch them from flower to flower all the day.
I just took some pics with my camera (a Nikon coolpix B700), so I can show you the view I can see when I'm in my backyard:


I like to watch the bees on the flowers. They reminds me my childhood because my grand father had a couple of hives in his garden and when I went with him he used to tell me a lot of things about the life of these insects. Just to know, the honey he gave me to eat was very very good! ❀️



Even if I live in a (small) city, I have a lot of green areas around my home and so it's common to see bees all around when the season is right for them. They seems to be so happy when the flowers of my plum trees are open and so they fly here since soon in the morning.



Well, now I have to go to my brushes and colors!

See ya soon and stay safe,

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