BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! KEEP YOUR DISTANCE - Some tactial mistake

This post is an entry to the BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge!



Description: Units with melee attacks may not be used.

  • Use Phase, Void, Void Armor, and Magic Reflect to counter magic attacks.
  • Use Headwinds and Return Fire to counter ranged attacks.
  • Units with 2 types of attack (which include melee) cannot be used.

The Battle


Battle RulesetsDescriptionInfo
EXPLOSIVE WEAPONRYAll Monsters have the Blast ability.The best strategy is to have fast monsters with Snipe, Sneak, Opportunity. For defense, Shield and Void will come in handy.
KEEP YOUR DISTANCEMonsters with Melee attack may not be used in battles.Keep no attack or higher HP monsters in the front. Keep higher speed Magic monsters with abilities like Flying, Dodge, Blind in the front
FOG OF WARMonsters lose the Sneak and Snipe abilities.A good tank and a balanced line up of Magic and Ranged monsters is the trick to win in this ruleset. Use monsters with Opportunity. Keep your monsters in an ascending order of their HP.


Lorem ipsum

Lily Shieldpaw - The latest Dragon summoner with two interesting abilities, Triage and Camouflage always an interesting combination. The main reason was to select it the Camouflage, cause with that ability I could control the hitting order of the enemy.
Baakjira - My favorite tank monster of the water monsters. Very good health with heal and void and good support abilities. Ideal when melee monsters are not available.
Oshuur Constantia - Nowadays started to rent this card and I like it more and more. I always prefer magic monsters and for 7 Mana is a good deal, healing and resurrect are very good support skills and it was a very good fit for the second position cause reflect shield ability.
Djinn Oshannus - The all-time favorite legendary reward card with very good speed and good magic damage. I use it as the third tank in this game.
Gargoya Devil - A good high damage monster, but maybe there were better options for this game.
Riverboat Captain - It was a mistake, I should put a different monster here (see below), it is "lost" his blast ability and without it it is not a strong monster.
Chaos Dragon - My favorite big mana chaos dragon monster. I hoped it is a good fit for this ruleset with the big magic damage.

Battle - Replay


Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?

No. I should put more defense in my team, see the two armor monster in this scenario:


Battle Results


I would also love that almost 8 SPS :)

Which cards are good/bad for KEEP YOUR DISTANCE ruleset? Why or why not?

  • Obviously abilities what makes melee attack stronger/weaker not good for this game: THORNS, INSPIRE, DEMORALIZE
  • Magic and ranged abilities are better depends on other rulesets
  • You need a strong not melee tank for this game

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