[EN/PT-BR] Life is unfair

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At some point in our lives, we have certainly been wronged by something that happened, a situation that left us quite sad, even though in our opinion, we deserved to earn more or achieve a great life goal, but no, it didn't work out and that's how we ended up. with that feeling that we should have been chosen, that life tripped us up and that is very negative for our mind and our spirit.

There are many moments of injustice, they happen so frequently that there comes a point where it seems normal for them to happen to us and it becomes difficult to share and explain just one moment, but I would like to share two moments that really hurt me and I was very sad about the situation and Finally, I felt very wronged. Just to remember, I believe that everyone has their own point of view about injustice, so we get into that idea that what's bad for me may not be bad for you, remember that!

In terms of passion/love, I believe that we have gone through a lot of injustice and I can say that during my teenage years, when we started to think more about it, about relationships or enjoyment, we risked ending up having a passion, which in this case is not love. true, it is another illusion that we have at that time (in my opinion), so we suffer a lot because this feeling is unfair at various times, after all, we desire a person who in my case kept saying that he suffered because of someone else, who played with her and didn't respect her with betrayals and everything.


This person and I had our fun time together and I ended up falling in love, wanting something more and I thought I was a great match for her, a perfect person, because we had an intimacy of kisses, jokes and really nice conversations and it showed the my intentions were true at all times, that is, I was sincere with her, fair with my feelings and my feeling of dating her and well, whatever happened until adulthood was something that we would discover together. Even so, as time passed, I realized that this wouldn't happen, after all, she still showed a lot of love for the guy who made her suffer.

I consider this unfair because I risked saying that I loved her at that moment and really wanted a future and I did everything to make the girl feel good, I was a friend and companion to her, but, deep down, she still stayed with the other person. that made her suffer, so I kept thinking how was that possible? Why was I, the one who makes her happy in these moments, left aside, while she was really still loving another guy? It's a very bad type of injustice, after all, love and passion sometimes surpass our reason, even though I knew I was the second option, I still believed that something real could happen between us, but the reality was very different from that.

Another bad moment, therefore, involves professional life, because even though I am a good Programmer, I don't consider myself a coding legend, but I am hardworking and almost always I delivered everything they asked of me, but there was a time when there was another programmer and we were almost at the same level, or even to be quite honest, I think I was above him in terms of resolving things, he received a promotion, I believe because He had been with the company for about 2 years more, but as I said, I think he was delivering more things and was more aligned with the company than he was.


But life is not what we want and in this case they chose him, I thought it was bad, a little unfair, because I was really trying hard to be chosen, but it wasn't this time. After that, after some time he ended up leaving the company and I again thought it would be in my bosses' mind to receive a promotion, but nothing new, I continued where I was at that time and so it continued. My head was full of why they didn't say anything to me, but I put them aside after a while.

Life is like this, we have good moments of joy and we have to make the most of them and also the sad and unfair ones, so this is all part of the cycle, getting upset is a reaction, giving up everything because of an injustice is a decision. Despite everything, we have to keep moving forward, gathering experience with the situations we go through and always trying to do our best.




Em algum momento da vida com certeza já fomos injustiçados por algo que aconteceu, uma situação que nos deixou bastante tristes, por mais que na nossa opinião, merecêssemos ganhar mais ou conquistar um grande objetivo de vida, mas não, não deu certo e assim ficamos com aquele gosto de que deveríamos ter sido escolhidos, de que a vida nos deu uma rasteira e isso é bem negativo para a nossa mente e nosso espirito.

Momentos de injustiça são vários, acontecem com tanta frequência que chega um ponto que parece normal acontecerem conosco e fica até difícil compartilhar e explicar sobre apenas um momento, mas, gostaria de compartilhar dois momentos que me machucaram bastante e fiquei bem triste com a situação e por fim, me senti bem injustiçado. Apenas para lembrar, acredito que cada um tem o seu ponto de vista sobre injustiça, então entramos naquela ideia de que o que ruim para mim pode não ser para você, lembre-se disso!

No quesito paixão/amor, acredito que passamos por muitas injustiças e posso dizer que durante a minha fase de adolescente, quando começamos a pensar mais nisso, em relacionamentos ou curtição que seja, arriscamos acabar tendo uma paixão, que neste caso não é um amor verdadeiro, é mais uma ilusão que temos nessa época (na minha opinião), então sofremos muito por que esse sentimento é injusto em vários momentos, afinal, desejamos uma pessoa que no meu caso vivia falando que sofria por conta de outra pessoa, que brincava com ela e não a respeitava com traições e tudo mais.


Eu e essa pessoa tivemos o nosso momento de curtição juntos e eu acabei me apaixonando, desejando algo a mais e eu me achava um ótimo partido para ela, uma pessoa perfeita, porque tínhamos uma intimidade de beijos, brincadeiras e conversas bem legais e demonstrava a todo momento as minhas intenções, ou seja, era sincero com ela, justo com meus sentimentos e o meu sentimento de namorar ela e bem, o que viesse até a fase adulta era algo que iriamos descobrir juntos. Mesmo assim, com o tempo passando, fui percebendo que isso não iria acontecer, afinal, ela ainda demonstrava muito amor pelo cara que a fez sofrer.

Considero isso injusto porque eu arriscava a dizer que amava ela naquele momento e queria realmente um futuro e fazia de tudo para a menina se sentir bem, fui um amigo, e companheiro para ela, mas, no fundo, ela ainda ficou com a outra pessoa que a fazia sofrer, então, ficava pensando como isso era possível? Porque eu que faço ela feliz nestes momentos fui deixado de lado, enquanto ela estava realmente continuava amando outro cara? É um tipo de injustiça muito ruim, afinal, amores e paixões às vezes superam a nossa razão, mesmo sabendo que eu era a segunda opção, ainda acreditava que podia acontecer algo real entre nós, mas a realidade foi bem diferente disso.

Outro momento ruim, assim, envolve a vida profissional, pois mesmo sendo um bom Programador, não me considero uma lenda dos códigos, mas sou esforçado e quase sempre entreguei tudo o que me pediram, mas teve uma vez que, quando havia outro programador e estávamos quase no mesmo nível, ou até sendo bem sincero, acho que estava acima dele na questão de resolver as coisas, ele recebeu uma promoção, acredito que porque ele tinha uns 2 anos a mais de casa, mas como dito acho que estava entregando mais coisas e estava mais alinhado com a empresa do que ele.


Só que a vida não é o que a gente quer e no caso escolheram ele, achei ruim, um pouco injusto, pois eu estava realmente me esforçando bastante para ser escolhido, mas não foi dessa vez. Após isso, depois de algum tempo ele acabou saindo da empresa e eu novamente achei que estaria nas ideias de meus patrões para receber uma promoção, mas nada de novo, continuei onde estava naquela época e assim seguiu. Fiquei com a cabeça cheia de porquês, de não falarem nada comigo, mas deixei de lado depois de algum tempo.

A vida é assim, temos os momentos bons de alegria e temos que aproveitar eles e também os tristes e injustos, então, tudo isso faz parte do ciclo, ficar chateado é uma reação, desistir de tudo por conta de uma injustiça é uma decisão. Apesar de tudo, temos que continuar em frente, juntando experiência com as situações que passamos e tentando fazer sempre o nosso melhor.



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Life is full mysterious, things didn't go always as we planned. Sometimes we have to accept the reality that is best thng we all can do at that time.


Exactly, there are some things that are bigger than us, so what we can do is accept and hope that tomorrow will be better. Nowadays I don't even care much about injustices, they've even become natural, but that doesn't mean I should give up on always trying to get the best for myself! Thanks for the comment!


There is a difference between one sided love and attraction. In ladies mostly, their first love is love forever. The other coming person although he loves them more than his life but they started living in the memories of first love. During chosing these ladies for engagement or marriage, we should be careful because we suffered a lot when we were doing a lot of things for her but she rejected all because she is in the cage of her first love. These are really painful moments and injustice indeed. Our promotion depends on our capabilities. It is reality sometimes our promotion is not applied as we were expecting. There are many moments of injustice in our life, we should ignore them and say Thanks to Allah. I love your all post, very impressive.


You said it all, you correctly complemented my post, I think that today I understand that she was a hostage of the love of the person who, despite hurting her, loved him. For me at the time it was a great injustice because I did everything to make her smile and have fun, but it happens, today I understand that better.

Moments of injustice serve to give us experience about life, to better adapt us to the next situations we will face throughout our lives.


I always tell people that we can’t predict life we just have to be hopeful and look at the good things.

You were really treated unfair considering the job promotion.


We must have hope even with things, even though every day it becomes more and more difficult to live, the way is to stay calm and hope that the bad moments pass and the good ones stay.

As for work, it happens, we are subject to it, I was sad at the time but I understood that I should move on. Thanks for the comment!




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Relacionamentos amorosos são sempre injustos em algum quesito. Parece que a gente nasceu pra isso HAHHAHAHA E, poxa, que bad isso no trabalho... eu fico pra morrer com essas coisas


kkk amor e injustiça faz parte, acho que todo mundo passar por algo assim, é tipo um ritual de passagem haha, dolorido, mas é necessário para amadurecer as ideias.

Valeu, abraço!


Love is a very unfair thing that I have decided not to go into unless I decide to marry and settle down. I even planned on having a contract marriage because I just need the children to continue my legacy and keep my generation moving. I can relate perfectly to how you felt because I have been in a similar scenerio. Well, I guess ladies do not always know what is actually best for them and they tend to love the guys that always hurt them while abandoning the ones that truly care for them. Tsk, love can really be a drag yaknow. Nevertheless, it's good to see that you scaled through.


Love is something very strange indeed, we don't really know how to deal with these situations, people seem to love others who do them harm more than those who do them good, it's a very strange situation indeed, but we are subject to it, It's boring but that's it.

We experienced this boring scenario, but we survived, now we must always seek the best for ourselves!


One thing you can count on in life is it isn't fair. Once you accept that it makes life a lot easier!


Exactly, some unfair things we can even try to reverse and try to improve, but in general, it's complicated, I prefer to let it go and be in peace
