

My Village Experience On Swimming
I remember some years ago on how I learned how to swim. So at one point, my father decided not to take us to the village anymore. He said we were risking our life and wouldn't stay at a place even when we knew the kind of village we came from.

I was 15 years old when I will always join friends To played around the river bank.

Another Experience Occur Few years, I think 5 Years Or So".🤔 A Family member had a wedding, So my Father took all his male children to the village. we took off on Wednesday evening because the traditional food is Thursday as Eggon Cultural Food is a Prior, My Dad and siblings had to traveled to the village to spend a few days for the occasion and return. This was during our holidays. Since we were on holiday he decided to take us along with him.


One day, we decided to take a stroll on our own to see around the village. we didn't tell anyone because we don't plan to go far.

While walking on this lonely path, we saw a group of boys heading to the river's for swimming in their numbers. the stood from a distance and beckoned on us to follow them. they're all friendly and very simple and were happy to have us go with them, we weren't feeling threatening at all.


we began to walk behind them and kept following them. First, we got to a tree where there were Ripe mango fruits.

the plucked one of the fruits and threw it at me, I happened to be the eldest among my siblings. I caught the fruit with both hands and took a quick bite. It was very fresh and tasted sweet.

Without saying a word, the pointed to the tree. we looked at it and began to pluck the fruits which were very reachable. I plucked six and filled my pockets. my siblings likewise, Then I plucked 2 more and held on my hands.

When we were done, the began to walk again and we followed them.

When we had gotten to the river, I was not good in swimming so I only play around the river bank with very stricken nervousness, but the boys paused and pointed to me and my brother's to move deeper.🥺

I smiled.


I was like "thank you. But I can not swim, I reply to one of them."

"I don't like the idea naturally. because I was Scared of drowning so I quickly reply, No Thank you."

but in other not to feel like a weakly I join them guest what? I drank gallons of water, my lil @donvic can relate 🤣😂😂 I felt like my village people came for my soul, very dramatic but it cause me alot, well; I thank the boys we went together' rescue me" from premature death...


A storm of regret blew and I regretted why I fall to their deception, I pulled out to the river bank, i was devasted, but there is no way I could turn back the clock, Afterwards, we walked our walk our way home...

When we arrive home our father ask about our whereabout' Of Course I Wouldn't tell him the exact truth, if not ahhh...
I explained to him and told him the story but not the truth.

He smiled😅

The next day he took me and my siblings back to Akwanga and went back to the village alone.


Village visit is actually one of the best
You and I have no much difference, you tried and even made an attempt to swim, I personally don't like swimming cause I'm always scared of water, I cannot imagine myself swimming atall😂
You had a wonderful experience
Thank you for sharing 😊


Your story reminds me of a time I was learning to swim. The day my mum sent me on errands and the other boys left for the stream without me, they did not come back in one piece. Ibi was missing. I still think that that could have been me, because the two of us are the only ones who didn't know how to swim. It is a good thing that your 'tour guides' rescued you.
Thanks for sharing this experience, by the way.


Hmmm that's seriously an accountered you have in the passed of both a lesson and a regret that almost caused your life to an end but glory be to God it's well brother that your siblings stayed by and helped you by. Well it's a nice story life you shared sir and I wish I can turn back then to the end of the times to know how to swim cause that's my greatest challenges as well.
