Let's Play Haven's Compass


I had another game night with Waypoint Gaming community. This time featuring a game called Haven's Compass. It's a first person shooter made with Unreal Engine 5. It takes place in a futuristic setting where the people are looking for haven. The game can be downloaded from Epic Games.

At the moment, there are eight primary guns. Sadly, there are no snipers in the game at the moment. These guns can have attachments and some have to be leveled up to be unlocked. There's four choices of pistols as the secondary. There's one melee choice of knife for now but I assume they will add different ones like a katana. Then there's two choices of a grenade or a flash bang as the explosive.

The game is not very optimized at the moment so you do need a mid-high tier gaming PC to play the game. I feel there's a lot of potential for the game. It brings me back memories of the Call of Duty days. I would love to see a game like Call of Duty be Web3 and have that earning aspect with lots of players. Haven's Compass may be the game to make that happen! I don't want to give negative comments on the game because I think that's normal for a game that is still in alpha/beta. A lot of works needs to done but I hope the Haven's Compass team can keep building and pull of an amazing FPS Web3 game.


Something awesome to note is that they are having a $200k airdrop campaign. It will have a combination of social quests and in-game missions. Social quests are basically just retweeting liking with social media while in-game missions are for the actual game stuff like leveling up and gaining XP. Currently, there are only social missions at the moment but they aren't hard to do so get started now!

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