Thoughts On Proposal For Burning DEC To Allow Soulbound Cards To Work Land & My Current Splinterlands Goals



Well we got an interesting proposal from Yabapmatt which has to do with burning DEC to make soulbound cards usable for land. I want to cover my thoughts on this and also share my current goal in Splinterlands.


Burning DEC For Soulbound Cards To Work On Land

Well we got a controversial proposal here as there's quite a mixed balance of reactions from what I saw in the comments. It seems like the people against this proposal are against the cost being 2x the burn value which makes sense. As those that are for it don't mind because they are probably whales or they see that it's necessary to keep away the big bot farms with a lot of soulbound reward cards from farming land. I find it interesting how the game keeps running into problems due to not banning bots & bot farms. Wouldn't it save all the hassle as real players are being punished every time with almost every change that was made in regards to bots.

As for me, I think it's necessary to have some sort of mechanic to have soulbound cards be workable on land and buring DEC is probably one of the most straightforward ways to do this. I think it's a great idea from Yabapmatt and I think the numbers may need to be reworked but to me it has to be at least 1x of the burn value. I'm ok with it being more.

I would like to provide an alternative solution and I want to call it soulbound power. In hearthstone, you can disenchant cards to make dust and then craft new cards with the dust. Well I want Splinterlands to burn soulbound cards to create soulbound power. This soulbound power will be the cost to unbound the cards or use them for land along with burning DEC half/full value of the burn value.. Soulbound power would be a 1:1 ratio with the burn value so a gold foil legendary would be 12,500 soulbound power. In order to unbound this gold foil legendary card, we would need 12,500 soulbound power + 6250/12500 DEC so in other words they would have to burn at least 12,500 worth of soulbound cards to make their soulbound card workable on land and pay 6250/12500 DEC. This way we can also decrease the supply of the reward cards because we are printing them like crazy and it would also help DEC reach the peg flywheel dream.


My Current Splinterlands Goals

It seems like Riftwatchers Priced in DEC proposal has passed so my goal will be to gather 500k DEC to buy 100 Riftwatcher packs with the 10 pack bonus which would help me reach the amount to get the rest of the airdrops. You can see from the photo below that I have already purchased 226 Riftwatchers packs. Currently, I have around 277k DEC so I have another 130k DEC to go which will take a few more brawls since I get paid to do brawls and I could use some of my blog earnings to purchase. I will need to see how it goes because I need to make the purchase before the next airdrop.


Besides this, I'm looking to gain more SPS. I'm hoping to reach the 100K mark by the end of August. I think this is reasonable since I'm already at almost 60k total across my accounts. I'm also looking to own more cards and waiting to see what my play will be after that. I'm conflicted with owning max cards or owning a gold foil collection but I already know that I won't do both as that's too expensive for me. If there is a bullrun though and card prices spike like crazy, I will most likely sell most of my cards and buy back when there's another bear market


Concluding Thoughts

This is a crazy proposal but I hope it passes and gets some amendments. Honestly, it's great for the long-term direction of the game and protects land owners and the rewards being given from land. Aside from that, I'm working towards my 500k DEC goal to purchase Riftwatchers packs. I'm also hoping to get something from the burning event that's ending in a few hours. Let's hope I get something good but if I don't get anything it's fine as well since I would've used all that DEC to upgrade my guild anyways. I'm excited for what's to come should be a super active July with land 1.5 coming and SPS staking to earn rewards. Hope you guys are ready!


Thank You

Thank you for reading and supporting me. Let me know what you think about this proposal for burning dec to use soulbound reward cards on land.

Referral Link
If you are interested in trying Splinterlands please use this link here. If you did use my referral link, let me know in the comment section, I will do my best to help whether that be delegating you cards, sending you cards and teaching you how to play. Once again, thank you so much.


Fingers crossed you get some cool prizes in the burn event. How many RW packs you planning to buy with 500kDEC?


100 riftwatcher packs :p what about u? whats you r plan


I am not interested in lands on the game but your soulbound power proposal looks like a good alternative solution.


We will see how it goes I don't have land either. Thanks :P I hope it can be considered. We need to lower reward card prints
