Commoners Rise

commoners rise.png


Crypto market has been super volatile. People need to relax when prices go down. It's crazy how people were whining when BTC was 18k but now when it's 50k people still getting a bit emotional. Anyways, a new week begins and I will be sharing my battle mage secrets. The theme for this week is Rise of the Commons. In this ruleset only common and rare units can be used. I will share some strategy and cover a battle with this ruleset.



My Strategy & Tips for Rise of the Commons

In Rise of the Commons, you want to choose the best common and rare units. The best common unit by far is Arkemis the bear. It's neutral so it can be used in most situations except for low mana battles. There's also other great neutral cards like supply runner, venari marksrat and chaos agent. As for specific element units there area lot so I can't name them all but after playing this ruleset a few times eventually you will roughly know the best common and rare units.

Personally, I have four main strategies in rise of the commons. The first is with water. I like to use Diemonshark or arkemis the bear in the front with healing and armor repair support. My second strategy is the immortalis strategy with taunt and tank heal. A variation of this strategy will be shared in the battle I share today. The third strategy I like to play is using pelacor conjurer. I will play some sneak or captain katie with it if it's in brawls. Lastly, for the super low mana battles just using cursed windeku is the easy play to go for.


The Battle

The battle link can be found here. This battle was on my scholar account about a day or two ago. You can see the ruleset is rise of the commons, born again and taking sides. It's a 60 mana cap battle with only the dragon element banned.


Discussing My Lineup


Summoner , Immortali - I love to spam Immortalis in rise of the commons. It's a braindead strategy that can win most of the time in my opinon.

First Position, Pelacor Mercenary - Pelacor Mercenary is a beast tank that can self heal and retaliate. I like it because it has great stats and flying so it can help dodge more attcks.

Second Position, Regal Peryton - I chose Regal Peryton as my secondary tank. It also has flying and amazing speed so it's pretty solid tank with void from Immortlais.

Third Position, Venari Seedsmith - I chose this card because of the scavenge. With the born again ruleset, this card can stack up a lot of health.

Fourth Position, Goblin Psychic - Goblin Psychic was my support. It's strategically placed behind seedsmith to heal it when it gets a lot of health. It's main purpose was to be sustaining my frontline.

Fifth Position, Uloth Dhampir - This was another support card for the triage. The main purpose was to heal my taunt in the last position. it can also come in handy with the stun. I didn't level it up more than 5 because I wanted the 2 speed for reverse speed battles.

Last Position, Mycelic Slipspawn - Mycelic Slipspawn was my tank. It's main purpose was to soak as much damage as it can.


Analysis of The Battle

I totally destroyed my opponent. Their armor repair was useless due to my shatter. I had crazy sustain so they were only able to kill my slipspawn. The flying from my frontline came in super clutch; it was crazy to see how many times my opponent missed. The self heal and tank heal was solid as well because the enemy didn't have any affliction. They didn't have a chance of winning unless they landed every attaack. There's nothing I would've changed in this ruleset. I would've used arkemis the bear but there was taking sides.


Thank You

If you made it here, thank you so much for reading all the way to the end. I appreciate the support and I hope you learned something new! Personally, I like rise of the commons because it gives a chance for other cards to be used and not just spamming the OP legendary or epic cards. Do you feel the same way?

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If you did use my referral link, feel free to ask me for any help or questions. Thank you!



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