The Legends Of Murray Part 4 The 82 Chevette

So Jerry and Murray arrived in Calgary finally to go meet Jerry's wife Cindy. Murray was pretty nervous about meeting Cindy, he hoped he would get her approval to move in.
But when they arrived at the house Cindy was waiting outside the house, they pulled up to the house and Cindy took one look at the passenger side of the car and she had one awful look on her face.
Jerry got out of the car and said "I have someone I want to introduce you too, this is Murray"
Murray got up to shake her hand and Cindy looked at his hand and saw his great big fingernail, that looked polished and she freaked out, it looked gross to her, she thought it could also be a weapon. And then Cindy said "Jerry I have to have a little talk with you"
She took Jerry aside, but Murray could hear a lot of what Cindy was saying. Murray heard "Jerry, why are you always bringing strays home, this Murray guy really gives me bad vibes.
Then he heard Jerry say "OK, just give me a little time with Murray before I send him on his way"
So Cindy went back in the house, and Jerry was going to have a little talk with Murray. So Jerry took Murray to his garage and this is what he said.
"So Murray I talked it over with my wife and it is a no go for you staying here at our house, but I have a present for you, I really connected with you over the ride on the transcanada hiway, it feels like I have known you for years. I would like to give you this nineteen eighty two Chevette, it is one of my pride and joy vintage cars. Now the car is filled with all kinds of crushed beer cans in the trunk, back and even in the passenger side, now you can return them at the bottle depot, there is a good location at Country Hills Landing, you can't return them to the beer stores here in Alberta, because the beer stores aren't government regulated like they are in Ontario, it is a lot better that way, now I know government statists will tell you "if its not government regulated then beer prices will be too high" But in reality, only major beer brands are over priced and there is tons of way cheaper beer here, it opens up the free market, other little beer companies are able to thrive because they provide a cheaper service. But at any rate you will make a lot of money retuning all of these beer cans. So I will sign this car over to you, but we will take it outside and you have to take a photo of me in front of it, so that way you will always remember the guy who gave you this car, oh yeah and send a copy of the photo to me as well so I can remember my last day with my chevette."
So they took the car outside and Murray took his photo with the car and Jerry gave they keys to the car to Murray, Murray jumped i his car and he was off to the bottle depot, he yelled out the window, "Thank you Jerry"
Murray pulled up to the bottle depot, it looked so huge, emptied out the car full of beer cans, they tallied it up, and it was over two hundred dollars worth of empties, Murray hit the jackpot! So he decided the get some gas and drive on the way to Beautiful British Columbia. He ventured back onto the transcanada hiway, eventually got to Banff, Alberta, he got out of the car to see the sights, he was amazed to see all the deer just running all around the town, he also stopped in Lake Louise, such a lovely sight to see.
It was fantastic for Murray to be driving through the Rocky Mountains in a Chevette, the wind in his hair, blaring the radio, of course the music got interrupted by statistics Canada letting everyone know the in the month of December the number of full time jobs fell by 23, 500 jobs, but don't worry Canada just created 100 jobs in December, Murray thought it sounds like the Canadian economy is totally in free fall.
Murray arrived in the city of Kamloops, he really needed coffee, so he stopped at a little cafe, got a cup of joe and chicken wrap and sat down there, he was shocked to see twenty people applying for work for a job that won't even give you enough money to survive in Canada and only five customers, he sat there for a few hours, people looking for jobs kept on pilling in, Murray has never seen anything like this before in Canada, so many people who need work, wow it racked Murray brain, there is only a little bit of jobs and it seems there is becoming fewer and fewer by the day.
One of the clerks said to the people looking for work, good luck on your job search, but you will have better luck winning the lottery.
Murray chucked because it was probably true.
Murray decided that he should hit the road again and head towards Vancouver, he had still almost four hours to get there.
