The Wintery Sunday
Another cold day, well at least it warmed up a bit, it was only minus five celsius, the auto mechanic's word echoed my mind, He had warned me that this car wouldn't survive the first winter snowstorm, But here I am and my car "blue lightning" three winterstorms later defying his predictions, you have to have faith in the old rusty ponitac G5 2007. the engine roars to life as I turn the key, the windshield coved in lots of frost, I went outside to scrap the frost off my car and my car was making a lovely symphony of metal and combustion, I finally got off all the frost, it took a little while.
As I pull out of my driveway, the tires crunch against the frozen ground. Half way down the block I stopped my car on the side of the street and got out of my car, kicking out a huge build up of ice right near my tires, that ended up fixing the noise of the tires crunching.
I navigated the streets very well, I stopped at the rez for cheap gas, I ended up pulling into Jackpot City, which is a casino place slash bingo hall, just a stream of consciousness carried me through the wintry landscape. The pontiac G5, my faithful companion, has become more than just a car, it has become a symbol of resiliance, a reminder that sometimes victories come from defying expectations
So I walked in to Jackpot city and I decided to try my luck, I played some solar disc slot machine and a lady gave me a free coffee, I needed a break from my home brew coffee anyways.
And I lost twenty bucks, well I still had thirty one cents, so I left it as a tip and I still had a delicious coffee to drink, so I brought it on the road with me to drink in my car.
I passed by houses with twinkling lights, smoke was rising from the chimneys, finally I made it to the dollar tree, I bought some plates for the wife and socks for me because I am too lazy to do laundry today.
My next destination was food basics, the road stretches out before me, a winding path leading to the food basics, there I picked up some cookie dough, apple juice and some buns.
Finally that was it I had to do for arraigns, so I was on my way home, on the way home the snowflakes fall gently, swirling in the air Tonya Harding, as I drive still I have memories of the auto mechanic words "the first snow storm"
But me and the Ponitac G5 were victorious once again, we made it home safely.
Now I am just chilling out in my warm apartment watching some NBA, The Los Angeles Clippers VS The Brooklyn Nets at the crypto dot com arena, maybee one day the Hive Blockchain will have a basketball arena, wouldn't that be something??
#beautifulsunday is led by
@ace108 and
#sublimesunday is led by @c0ff33a
Sorry for the $20 contribution to the casino. I had worst luck than you. I contributed about $400 SGD.