Snow, Fish, Coffee and Soo Much More


I woke up at quarter after seven, I thought perfect timing for the start of the day, time was going on and on, I looked outside and it wasn't getting lighter, I thought it was weird, then I looked at the clock, it was the PM, haha so I stayed a wake for a little then I went back to sleep, I woke up again at the same time but in the AM this time, and I eventually went outside to see a winter wonderland, the snow was blanketed in pristine white snow and the air was filled with the sweet melodies of birds chirping, sounded a lot better than in the PM when you hear people yelling at each other and doors slamming, at any rate the birds cheerful notes added to the serene winter landscape.
The squirrels were making lots of nimble movements in the snow, they were chasing each other around in a playful pursuit, even the crows in the area were chasing the squirrels.
Even my car was covered in snow, I didn't feel like scraping off my car to go for a drive, so I just waited

So I went back in side and cooked myself some fish burgers, I put some taco bell sauce on it, mustard, Ketchup and habanero sauce and brewed myself some winterblend coffee, it was a great way to start off the AM

A few hours went by and the snow disappeared, so I went out to my car, I was on a mission to find cheap chocolate milk, I had to drive all over the city, none of the shoppers drug marts had the deal, so I went to the real canadian superstore and found some.
After that I went and supported some local businesses went to the reined fool brewery and got myself some beer, this one looks really neat, its called "dinner party at the johnsons" the artwork is very rad, they also gave me a free sticker there.

I also went down to Global donuts and deli, I bought the wife a donut that had a neat smiley face on it, she ate it before I had a chance to take a photo of it.
I also bought a Homer Simpson donut, it was dohlicious.

Now it is time for me to watch some NBA action, the Cleveland Cavaliers vs The San Antonio Spurs, I put my dollar on the spurs because I would get more money if they win

beautifulsunday is led by
@ace108 and
#sublimesunday is led by @c0ff33a


The adventure to find cheap chocolate milk takes us on a city-wide journey. Your determination to locate the deal, even driving to different stores, adds an amusing adventure element to your day.
