Many scientist worked for discovering the fact about the circulation of blood in human bod. Two important scientist who reverded much knowledge of blood circulatory system were Ibn-e-Nafees and William Harvey. Ibn-e-Nafees was a physician and he is honoured as the first scientist who described the pathway of blood circulation. William Harvey discovered the pumping action of heart and the pathway of blood in major arteries and veins.
Now we will see how the major arteries and veins make arterial and venous system respectively.
Large pulmonary trunk emerges from right ventricle and divides into right and left pulmonary arteries, which carry the deoxygenated blood to right and left lungs.
- Even though the heart chambers are continually bathed with blood, this does not nourish heart muscle. The blood supply to heart muscles is provided by coronary arteries, which emerge from the base of aorta. Heart muscles drained by coronary veins which empty into right atrium. Coronary arteries and veins are collectively called coronary circulation and it is a part of systemic circulation.
The oxygenated blood leaving the left ventricle of heart is carried in a large artery aorta. It ascends and forms an aortic arch.** The arch curves left and descend inferiorly into body. From the upper surface of aortic arch three arteries emerge which supply blood to head, shoulders and arms.| As aorta passses down through thorax, it becomes**dorsal aorta. It gives off many branches and the important ones are listed here.
Several intercostal arteries supply blood to ribs. Caeliac artery and superior mesenteric artery supply blood to digestive tract while hepatic artery supplies blood to liver. Inferior to these, there are a pair of renal arteries that supply blood to kidneys. Gonadal arteries supply blood to gonads. Just below the gonadal arteries, is inferior mesenteric arterywhich supplies blood to a part of the large intestine and rectum. Then aorta divides into two common iliac arteries each of which divides into an internal iliac artery and an external iliac artery. Each external iliac becomes femoral artery in upper thigh. It gives branches to thigh, Knee, shank, ankle and foot.
Major arteries and veins in human body.
Source of Photo
I will post the second part of this tomorrow.
All data collected from my book of Science.